4 - where is she?

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this is making Ellie a different person. it is pissing me off and she has no excuses for her doing it. i understand she wants to get to Abby quickly but we've been making a lot of progress very fast and she's still trying to go quicker.

not to mention one of us could've died. Ellie's just being an ass right now. i followed Ellie and she said "alright we're gonna-".

"i know what to do" I said bluntly going to a different hiding spot. she made me really mad and I was definitely gonna show it cause well I'm petty like that.

everyone's one alert now so they knew we were here. i took out some people quietly but Ellie was trying to move too quick so she just starting shooting people with her rifle.

i was shocked but if I didn't start shooting too we would get killed so I did. Ellie kept getting too out in the open and I saw a guy running towards her but she didn't see him.

i grabbed a bottle that was near me and threw it at him. it shattered once it hit him and I shot him with my shotgun. Ellie didn't even see any of it happen.

once everyone was down I walked up to Ellie and grabbed her by her shoulder turning her around. "Ellie your getting way too reckless did you even see a guy about to come and kill you!?".

Ellie was about to say that 'we're running out of time' crap but I stopped her before she could.

"Ellie we have all the time in the world. Abby is strong but she isn't strong enough to get through a whole army and you heard that man she's been here for a couple of months so she's weak she isn't going anywhere so chill out before you get killed" I said holding back many other words I had to say.

Ellie sighed and said "I just need to get to her ok? sorry but we're moving too slow". she isn't listening and being childish. i don't like this Ellie but this isn't really a side of her I've ever seen.

"we're not moving too slow your moving too quickly just calm down alright?" I said and she didn't respond she just started moving again.

i really wanted to scream at her right now but that wouldn't help anything. so I just followed her.

we ran into even more people and took them out. quieter than before so she did listen to me. me and Ellie moved forward and found a doorway to where they keep the prisoners.

i walk in first with my gun and then a girl attacks me. she pinned me to the ground and Ellie shot her in the head. she grabbed the keys and unlocked the door to the cells.

prisoner started coming out and grabbing the guns on the wall. they kept coming but we didn't see Abby.

"where's Abby?" Ellie asked and someone saw her bite mark and said "she bitten!!". they aimed their gun at her and I aimed mine at them.

"i suggest you put your gun down" I said still aiming my gun at him. he put his gun down.

"Abby tried to escape and she's at the pillars... head down to the beach you won't miss it" one prisoner said holding a gun. they were gonna escape which meant the people there wouldn't be focusing on us so we could get down to Abby quicker.

alright Abby...

lets just get this done with.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 • ellie williamsWhere stories live. Discover now