3 - split up

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well we followed the tracks and we found them. turns out this place isn't one that people want to stay at. we caught someone trying to escape and we'll he was caught and he would do anything not to go back there so he shot himself.

i sighed looking away as he did it.

"well this place seems lovely" I said sarcastically me and Ellie pulled out our bows since they were our quietest weapon. Ellie's side was still hurting her and I knew it would but I still wanted to get her fixed up before we went anywhere.

i know how badly she wants Abby gone. what Abby did was terrible and I understand Ellie's feelings but she can't do that if she's in pain the entire time and we saw that when Abby is mad she goes on a rampage.

she almost killed us all that night. it still haunts me and now I have many scars on my face and body from her. I hate her as well but she haunts Ellie so I'm gonna let her do it her own way. I'm here to make sure she doesn't die.

we held our bows and heard someone say "your dog got anything?".

'Jesus what is it with people and dogs' I thought to myself holding an arrow between my fingers. i went behind a different place with Ellie. we had a system. for example if a person or infected were to get close to Ellie I would either kill them silently or throw something to distract them from her.

it's easier surviving out here with another person.

we took out the people and made our way closer to where we could get inside.

we managed to actually find a way to get in and it was pretty hard since we obviously couldn't go through the front gate. so it was a lot of going under things and cutting fences.

we hid behind a wall and saw infected tied up.

"what hell..." I said to myself looking at the man taunting it. i grabbed my arrow and mumbled "wanna play around with them? be my guest". i aimed it at the chain holding it and it immediately charged at the mans flesh biting into it.

i huffed rolling my eyes at these people.

"let's find her and get the hell out here. these people are insane" I said to Ellie rubbing the back of my neck.

this whole situation was just pissing me off. what did we get ourselves into?

I heard voices and grabbed onto my pistol with a silencer on it. we had more coming our way. that runner made too much noise. they were looking around for us now.

one was getting closer to me and I was waiting for Ellie to take care of him but she never did. I shot him in the head obviously pissed off. she actually wasn't even killing any of them at least I didn't see any of them fall from where she was. I ended up killing the rest.

once I made sure they were all gone I made my way to where Ellie was but she wasn't there.

i ran my fingers through my hair then said "oh my god Ellie why did you just leave me". I sighed knowing the only place she went was forward.

i kept running into a few but then I got to an area with a ton of them. I really hope Ellie is here.

i saw a few dead bodies so there meant she was here or she just passed through. I used my pistol that had my silencer in it and shot the chains for the infected and let them do that work. I saw someone run into a building that didn't look like one of them.


i ran the way she did but I was tackled by an infected. i took out my knife and stabbed it in the head and quickly ran towards the door closing it quickly.

more people.

how many people were here my god.

i heard gunshots knowing it was Ellie. she's moving too fast not mention she just left me to fend for myself when I could've died.


she pisses me off.

i walked around and just followed the dead bodies now. it worked I found her just walking about.

i came up behind her and said "so you wanna explain to me why the hell you just left me?"

she paused and turned around looking at me with a guilt look at her face. "y/n I'm sorry I just need to get to her quickly and-".

"no Ellie your right... I'm sorry all I'm doing is holding you back oh yea and how's you side feeling huh? who fixed that up for you? Ellie I know you want to get to her but where is she gonna go with all these people and infected? not to mention she's probably skinny like the rest of them".

"y/n I know your angry but this isn't the time we need to keep moving" Ellie said not giving two shits about what I'm saying.

i rubbed their temples of my head and sighed loudly. she's getting on my nerves with this. she rushing me knowing that I haven't slept in a few days and I have very seeable eye bags under my eyes.

i looked at Ellie then said

"alrighty boss"

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