7 - jackson

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Ellie's POV

we made it to Jackson but it took way to long. every day y/n got much worse. her skin was pale and she looked terrible. i managed to at least help the wound a bit but the doesn't stop it from getting infected or stop her from feeling the pain.

i was now holding her in my arms. i went to the door and a guard aimed his gun at me.

"it's Ellie and y/n!!" I yelled out.

he nodded and once he saw the state y/n was in he opened the gate quicker. when the gate was opened we were met by Maria. she was shocked to see y/n in that state.

"what the hell happened?!?" she asked looking at her all over to see what state she was in.

before I could respond she took me to the room where we do all the emergency medical things. Maria told me to lay her down on the bed.

i did as I was told.

Maria took off took off her shirt to see her wounds. her eyes widened looking at them both.

she quickly grabbed her walkie and spoke into it.

"i need a surgeon down here now!! any other doctors get down here as well. anyone else listening tell Dina and Tommy to go to the emergency room" She demanded then put the device down.

she looked at her wounds again and asked "how long ago did this happen?".

"maybe 2 days ago it took a long time for us to get here" I said and I was shaking. this all sounded serious and I didn't know why.

"Ellie I'm gonna tell you what's wrong with her and you need to stay calm about it alright?" Maria said and I nodded but i probably wouldn't be calm.

she pointed to the wound at her chest and said "this is a knife wound and it's pretty deep... it's way too close to her heart so we have to be careful" she paused and pointed at the one at her stomach "this is a gunshot wound and... the bullet didn't go through so we have to get that out".

i was about to say something but she stopped me.

"I'm... not done"

Maria took a deep breath then said "obviously you know she needs to go into surgery.. but she could die she's already lost a lot of blood and her wounds are starting to get worse. your lucky we have the people and supplies to do this kind of stuff but even with all that she's still in bad shape".

i starred down at the floor clenching my fists. i was shaking badly. tears formed in my eyes.

i turned around and walked towards the door. i needed to be alone and get some air. i sat on the bench outside the emergency room. my face was in my hands and well I was crying.

losing y/n was my biggest fear. yea I know dying should be but she's all I have left and I can't lose her from my own mistakes.

"Ellie?" I heard a women's voice say.

i looked up from my hands and there stood Dina. i quickly stood up and hugged her tightly. i didn't care anymore. I had so many emotions flowing through me and I sobbed on her shoulder.

after a bit I pulled away wiping away my tears and I looked at Dina my eyes red and puffy from crying. "what happened??" she asked with a concerned look on her face.

does she not know?

i pulled her over to the emergency room. we walked inside.

"oh my god!" She said covering her mouth once she saw y/n. she stood beside her looking at her wounds. she knew this was bad and that she was called here to comfort Ellie but be here for both her friends.

Tommy came in soon after Dina and Ellie and he was just as shocked as the rest of us.

"shit..." he said after Maria explained everything to them. i looked at y/n and she was out cold. she's been out for awhile now actually. while we were coming to Jackson she kept going in and out of consciousness.

the surgeon came in and it looked like he was ready for it right now. he walked beside y/n and looked at her condition. he sighed and said "call at least one or two more surgeons please".

this whole situation stressed me out. i haven't eaten or slept in days and I was tired but I couldn't miss any of this I had to make sure y/n would be okay.

𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐄 • ellie williamsWhere stories live. Discover now