Chapter 1

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"Quick Jump" screamed kageyama.

I was sitting on the side of the court next to coach Uaki as i watched the boys have their practice.

"There so good"  Yachi whispered to me. i couldn't help and smile at my best friend on the court.

"Alight boys that is enough for today" Coach's voice yelled next to me startling me a bit.

All the boys came off the court and heading straight for the water bottles and towels. I stood there for a bit watching the thirsty and sweaty men glug down the water.

"Hey!" My best friend smiled down at me with a towel around his neck and a drink bottle in his hand.

"Hey ugly" i smirked at him knowing he would get offended by it.

He looked down at me with a frown on his face, but soon smiled and rubbed my head causing my hair to go all frizzy.

"How do you think we will go with our game against Fukurōdani next week?" Asahi smiled at me.

"I think you guys will do amazing, just like you always do." i beamed up at him causing him to chuckle deeply. 

Asahi grabbed his bag while saying good bye to all his friends and we started to walk out of the gym. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was setting, the sky was a beautiful orange, yellow and purple colour and i could not help but to look up at it and smile.

"Right, before i take you home do you want to grab some food, im starving" Asahi looked at me with begging eyes. i laughed lightly and nodded my head.

We began to walk down the road towards coach Ukais store so Asahi could grab something to eat.


We finally arrived out the fount of my gate.

"Thank you, ill see you in the morning?" i gripped the straps on my bag while i chuffed my shoes in the gravel.

"Yes you will bright and early, although i do have practice at 7, so do you want to come still?" He smiled at me while the moon beamed down blighting his facial features.

"Uhhh yeah ok i guess so" The thought of being up early hurts my brain just thinking about it.

"Ok well ill see you in the morning love" Asahi leaned down and gave me one of his amazing hugs, after all his working out he still had a strong smell of fresh mint leaves and i loved it a lot. he tucked my hair behind my ears and smiled getting on his bike and pushing away.

"Ok see ya in the morning Y/N" he yelled looking backwards as he rode down the street on his bike.

i stood there watching him ride away till i couldn't see him any more. right before he left i have this strange feeling that brewed up in my stomach and its still hurting.... are these butterfly? of course not why would i have butterfly from only hugging him. Although when he pushed my hair out of my face that kinda made me nervous but in a good way.

I opened the gate and walked into the house, i was greeted by my dog  Freddie he licked my leg and i rubbed his head.

"Hey hunny dinner is in the oven its still warm" My mum smiled as she walked out of the bathroom in her robe and her glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose. i thanked her and grabbed my dinner from the oven and started to eat it.

After dinner i sat in my room and was scrolling through Instagram until i got a message from Sugawara and Daichi.

Weird they made a group chat.

"Heyy Y/N we know your secret." Suga said. what does he mean my secret i don't think i have one.

"What secret" i responded with, while waiting for an answer the rest of the team was added but i soon realised Asahi wasn't.

"Y/N WE KNOW YOUR DIRTY SECRET" Nishinoya typed. 

What the hell is going on.

"Noya calm down you blond haired midget" Tsukishima said, i couldn't help but laugh at that.

"Can someone please explain what is going on" I asked the chat.

"Well after today we have all come to the conclusion that you have a major crush on none other then" Suga typed to me and i felt my heart skip a beat.

"JESUS HIMSELF" Tanka typed back.

I didn't know what to say, surely not hes been my best friend since we were first years it would be crazy... right?

I mean i did have butterfly after he hugged me today and i have noticed my self staring at him a lot more in practice now. the way he has this face that seems so focused on the ball and the way when he jumps his back muscles tense up and.

What am i saying holy shit. 

"Pfftt you guys are crazy hes my best friend"  I typed back after zoning out.

"Ok i new you would say that so i came up with many reasons as to why we know you do" Hinata typed back. What on earth could any of that mean.

"Well from what the buzz feed quizz says you are 95% in love with Asahi" Noya says. This kid cant be for real... a buzz feed quiz.

"NO that is not the proof, be quiet Noya" Tsukishima types back i let out a little laugh. as much as Tsuki puts up a wall i have grown to actually like him he can be very funny when he wants to be.

" Ok so at each morning and afternoon practice or the past few months we have noticed that you have been there for every single one, even tho you have assignments that are due." Suga states

"And dont forget you are at every single match against another school" Daichi pipes in

"So what isnt that what best friends do, they support each other?" I typed back now starting to rethink my own feelings.

"You see that's where your wrong, yes best friends support each other but i don't think best friends are willing to wake up at 6 am just to see their friend PRACTICE and you just sit there." Suga says. 

you know hes not wrong i pretty much revolve my life around Asahi every since he re joined volleyball. its not a bad thing but maybe i really do have feelings for this man. 

"Yeah yeah alright im going to bed, good night i will see you all at practice tomorrow" I typed about to go to bed.

"HAH SEE YOU JUST PROVED US" Noya practically screamed at me through his own phone.

Maybe saying ill see them at practice wasn't the best way to log off but now that these boys have this idea in their head that i like Asahi its not going to stop.

I put my phone down on the bed side table and turned over to face the window. i started up at the stares and all that i could think about was the way i felt when Asahi hugged me today.

Maybe those boys are right... maybe i do have feelings for Ashai and i just haven't admitted it to my self yet. But even if i do there is no way that he likes me back.

and with that sad thought on my mind i closed my eyes and drifted off to a deep slumber.

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