Chapter 9

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Chapter song- Groceries by Mallrat 

As we arrived at the roller Rink and I saw Daichi and Sugar wave at us, I smiled and waved back. Asahi quickly parked the car in the parking spot, we quickly go out and I ran over to the boys and gave them all a hug. Hinata was jumping around with Noya.

"How are you guys" I Asked while paying for my entrance ticket.

"Super excited to shred it on the floor" Tanaka screamed fist pumping Noya who also screamed back in excitement, causing us all to laugh at them.

"The real question is, How was your night" Suga winked at Asahi who then grabbed my hand kissing it.

"It was Act-" I was cut off by Asahi.

"For your information boys, it was extremely good, and so was this morning" He winked down at me, making me blush extremely bad.

"OH SHIT" Tanaka screaming.

"Nice one bro" Daichi fist bumped him. I didn't say anything but just stand there questioning what just happened.  I quickly shook it off and dragged Asahi by the hand to go get our skates. 

"Size 9 please" I smiled politely at the guy, he gave me a wink and went to grab my roller skates. I could see Asahi tensing his fists next to me.

"What's up" I asked him" He just shook his head.

"Here's your skates" The worker smiled at me. I then felt Asahi wrap his hands around my waist and kiss my neck.

What the hell is he doing! We are in public.

"Size 11" He said while his head was still muffled in my neck. i quickly moved away looking at him with a questionable look. i walked back over to the boys leaving Asahi by himself.

"What the hell was that" i whispered to daichi and Suga.

"My child that is called protective Asahi" Suga smirked at me. my face dropped, did Asahi really just get  protective all because of this worker.

I'm not sure how to feel about that but it was kinda....... attractive. 

We finally got our skates on and we skated out on to the floor. I used to take skating classes as a kid so I am some what ok at it.

I looked over at Asahi who was gripping the side bars really tight, I let out a laugh and skated over to him.

"Who thought this was a good idea." He looked up at me with a frustrated look on his face and his hair dangling down in front of his face. 

I grab his hand and help him glide with him teaching him how to move his feet in order to go forward. After a while Asahi finally understood what he was doing and was skating by him self. i decide to let go and fall back to talk to Daichi. 

"So how is everything going between the two of you" Daichi says to me, the lights flashing rainbow making it hard to see him.

"It's going really really well actually, we are both really happy with each other and last night we watched a movie and chilled out." I laughed while seeing Hinata and kageyama holding onto the side railing trying to stand up. 

Suga came up behind us and i smiled at him but didn't get a response except he just whispered in Daichi's ear making him gasp a bit, Suga pointed to the direction of the entrance and Daichi looked over his face going white. As i looked over to where they were looking i saw two girls, one being short with blond hair and the other girl being maybe around my height with black hair. 

Daichi quickly grabbed my hand and dragging me away as Suga skated off somewhere else.

"What's going on" I asked a bit worried not knowing what was happening.

"Um just some people we don't like are here" Daichi laughed nervously. i looked at I'm weirdly coming around the corner back at the start, As I looked over in front of us the short blond haired girl was talking to Asahi, he looked really surprised and a little nervous. I quickly left daichi hearing him yell my name, I skated off of the Rink and rushed to Asahi's side. 

"Hey" I looked at him with a questioning look.

"I'm Y/N Asahi's girlfriend" I put my hand out to shake the blond girls hand. She stood there with her arms crossed and death glared me.

If looks could kill, hers would have defiantly killed me by now. 

Soon daichi and Suga skated over to us and they both looked worried. I was still very confused as to what was happening.

As I went to pull my arm away the girl grabbed my hand and smirked at me.

"I'm Bella" She gripped my hand tightly making me flinch a bit. I have never seen this girl in my life and I have a strong feeling I wasn't supposed to meet her any time soon. Bella spoke up again while making deadly eye contact with Asahi but he looked over at Daichi who just shrugged his shoulders and then he grabbed my hand.

"I'm Asahi's Ex girlfriend actually" She smiled evilly looking back at me.

This all makes so much more sense now, I wasn't supposed to meet her. Asahi never mentioned he had an Ex girlfriend, I'm not mad I'm just confused why she's here. do they have unfinished business?

"Hey Asahi I was thinking, do you wanna go have lunch tomorrow and talk about everything." Bella grabbed his arms, Asahi flinching away and wrapping his arms around me. 

I wasn't sure what to do in this situation, do I say to go or do I just walk away or do I say no? I'm so confused.

"Bella what happened between us happened and we have nothing else to talk about." Asahi said firmly making her expression go cold.

"Listen I know we didn't end on perfect terms but i didn't travel all the way here just for you to say no, I want us to fix everything" Bella said with her hands crossed, I felt Asahi's arms tense harder around me and his breathing become heavier. He looked down at me thinking i would answer for him.

"Look I don't mind, I trust you with everything in me and look maybe she does just want to fix everything between the two of you." I smiled up at him hoping to assure him. Asahi hugged me tighter and smiled down at me kissing me in front of Bella.

"I love you, I promise nothing will happen." I kissed his cheek and smiled back at Bella who was death glaring me again.

"Fine we can go for lunch tomorrow but this will be the only time i will ever do it." Asahi said firmly making Bella smile with happiness. 

"Thank you so much, i will see you at 11 tomorrow at Honey Beezs café." she grabbed her black haired friend and walked out of the Roller rink. 

I really do trust Asahi enough to know he wouldn't let her back into his life and i have my word on that.

For the rest of the time we had left we all skated around but i could feel the slight tension between us all. I wasn't sure who exactly this Bella girl was and how the two of them ended things but I'm guessing it wasn't to good.

The day came to an end and tonight Asahi went back to his house after he dropped me home.

"I will drop by in the morning before I go see her. Good night I love you xx" Asahi texted me, i smiled and responded saying ok I love him to and good night. 

I laid there for a while tossing and turning more worrying about what was going to happen tomorrow, I'm not sure why I was worrying so much I trust Asahi but the problem is I don't trust her. I finally fell asleep with the hope of tomorrow will go well.



Hey guys!!  How are you all? I hope you all doing well.

I hope you are all enjoying the story so far, the next chapter will be a bit of a big one so get ready.

Thank you all so so much for reading i appreciate you all and i hope you have an Amazing day :) 

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