Chapter 12

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Song for the chapter: Georgia by Vance Joy

Asahi's POV

I woke up this morning with puffy eyes, everything from yesterday rushing back to me and making me want to cry a little more, but I new my body couldn't cry anymore. I got off the bed and walked to my window that looked out to the street that only a 5 minute walk would get me to Y/N's house. The clouds were dark and the thunder rumbled the sky deeply. I stood at the window a little longer until walking back over to my bed and laying down again.

I must have fallen asleep again because I woke up again by the sound of knocking on the door. I got up and made my way down stairs and opened the door to see Daichi and Suga standing there with their arms crossed and a look on their faces I have never seen before.

"Hey guys?" I asked in a questionable way.

"Don't 'hey' us" Suga quoted my words angrily. At this point I still have no idea why they are here but I don't think its for a good reason.

"Asahi, what the hell were you thinking kissing that annoying little ferret!" Suga yelled at me, Daichi pushed him back a bit.

"Look Asahi we don't know the full story but all we know is that Y/N and Kiyoko caught you kissing Bella and Y/N is a mess." Daichi explained calmer.

This all makes so much more sense now, and I have no idea what to say. Are they going to believe me when I tell them what actually happened?

"Look guys please come in side and let me explain to you what exactly happened because whatever they saw was not true!" I explained and holding the door open for them.

They huffed and slipped their shoes off and walked inside. They sat down on the sofa and stared at me.

"Do you guys want any thing to eat of drink?" I asked them.

"Just some water please" Daichi smiled.

I walked into the kitchen trying to buy myself some time with trying to explain to them what actually happened yesterday.

I brought the bottle of water out with two cups and I placed them on the table I sat down in the chair and stared at them.

"OK come on then explain." Suga said, Daichi whispered to him to calm down and not to get to angry. I understand why Suga is mad at me, Imp mad at my god damn self!

I began to explain what happened from the start to the middle to when Bella kissed me straight up.


After explaining everything the two boys looked at me.

"So none of this was really you." Suga asked confused.

"Not really" I sighed.

Suga and Daichi looked at each other not knowing what to really say.

"Y/N is a mess Kiyoko was saying how all night she mostly cried or would wake up crying." Daichi said sadly.

Just that one sentence was enough to bring tears to my eyes. I would never in a million eyes want Y/N to be upset let alone because of me. If I just didn't go to that café none of this would have happened and now all because of me I have lost my everything.

"What the hell do I do." I asked feeling my eyes sting from the tears.

"Asahi I think you need to go talk to her." Daichi smiled lightly at me.

I really wanted to go see Y/N but I was scared I was scared that she wouldn't want too see my face. I'm scared that she will never want to see me again.

"Asahi don't stress it, just go. We will be here waiting" Suga laughed grabbing the Tv remote. I nodded my head and quickly got up and went to the bathroom to have a quick shower and to get dressed put of last nights clothes.

I was done everything and ran down stairs grabbing my shoes and putting them on.

"Go get your girl!" Daichi yelled form the lounge room.

I sprinted out of the house and ran down the dirt road. Lucky for me the rain had stopped but the ground was full of water from where there were pot holes.

I finally stopped at the white gate that I have grown to know very well. Normally walking through this gate would be easy and make me happy but at this point in time it is making me scared and anxious because I have no idea if Y/N is going to be there or even hear me out.

I swallowed back my fear and opened the gate, I felt the beating in my chest fasten and each breath was getting harder and harder to take in and let out. I was now finally standing on the front porch staring at the white door.

I stepped back and had a quick think about what i was going to say and what will happen if something goes wrong.

Asahi stop, nothing is going to go wrong you love Y/N and she's told you her self that she loves you, you shouldn't be thinking to hard about this because your love is stronger then anything in the world.

My thoughts were taking over my mind but I quickly took a deep breath in hope of calming my self so I don't stumble over my own words while talking to her. hopefully kiyoko is here so she can push Y/N to talk to me if she refuses me. I just want to explain to her that this wasn't me I would never do anything to hurt Y/N I love her to much to do such a stupid thing.

I walked to the door once again and put my knuckles firm against the wood, I knocked three times and stepped away from the door. My heart racing in my chest to speeds I cant even think about. My mind was being taken over my the worst thoughts possible.

I heard the lock being un done and the door slowly opening.

The person I was hoping to see was not there... In fact it was someone worse

"And what do you want"

There leaned against the door was, a shirtless tall Tetsurō Kuroo from Nekoma High school...

My heart shattered in my chest, tears left my eyes and before I new it I was walking out of the white picked gate down the road to my house.



HI guys!!! I'm currently on a family trip but here's an update :)

How are you all??

How are you feeling about the story so far?

I hope you are all enjoying the story and I will see you soon, Have a great day !!

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