Social lose-it-all

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Six months of distraction less learning. After putting in every known brain cells to exercise only on lessons, I am easily the class topper and one among the top ten students in SNU. Though losing the first class freaked me out, I came in early to attend the next class only to realize First year Robotics was a male-dominated class. Stepping in to the department library, I soon realized Robotics science itself was a male dominating area. Still not realizing on the fact, what exactly made me choose the subject I decided to own it the way I knew it. In a couple of months, i had made a proper understanding about the facts and furries on Robotic science. It was definitely half an all math but still not an all math, but I was able to pull it off well. Regular classes, Nerd companies, techie talks, and regular routes... classroom-library-study room -library - classroom-studyroom and Canteen, I was already unaware of anything other than circuits, diagrams, formulas, best edition textbooks, silent corners of library, and the best dishes in the canteen.

But considering the fact I have earned it all, I was also a social-lose it all. Jibum, allen, avin, castle j, and gaga the designated nerds along with me were the only people I spoke to apart from u-know-who-doyeonie, sohye, somi, and the teacherrs. Meeting somi was not anything eventful, she came up to me and like a very innocent girl, shook my hands saying "Friends?" . then there was suyeon unnie , the calculator-brained senior who really helps me a lot with anything and everything about the subject. she was my backup for anything i could not find in the library. A total know-it-all. There was also this upperclassman Namjoon whom I once met during CAD laboratory, pitifiully watching me suffer on the computer and he helped a lot with software learning. But this guy never spares a smile, not even a look outside the campus, don't know what is his deal. 

But what I am talking about is, the Festival day. It is the spring festival time and we the helpers, are supposed to do something since nobody else gives a fuck on working on it to happen other than spending the day with dates, eating and doing other stuffs. Everybody joined a club during the second month and it took me another three month to choose a club and join it, since I was too good at everything and there was a plethora of options.
I actually went through every club activities and found that there was no way I could put one on my back wheels with studies on the frontwheel. since I started thinking about the clubs during the fifth month, everybody were already working toward the festival and here I haven't chose one and my teacher wants me to joinnn one unless I don't give a crap to extra credit.
And I actually do.  Music club was literally doing the pitch perfect theme and the moment I stepped inside, I had to say "sorry, wrong room" because, me and pitch. duh! Next? Dance club. but I couldnt Imagine rubbing myself agingst some strange male. Because that was what they were doing in there. 'Senorita to age ceremony'. Yeah,no way. I visited the literary club and was too sure about joining until I knew about the late night brainstorming and suddenly I felt it was an injustice to my sleep which was already neglected on terms of studying. And therefore I am in the art club and it is a bunch of peacefulness and papers. Silent art. No howling, no disturbing. The only mess are made of paints and papers. They only ask us to sit and make up something creative. Even if you make up the most rubbish and state it modern art, Kim Heechul, the art secretary gives an approving smile. And I certainly like free appreciation. In five days, I have started to like what I do.
And that is why I am now sitting in front of a large canvas and painting out my emotions. In another two days, they are gonna select the six best people who will be painting around the buildings for the five day festival.
So..Let's do this..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2020 ⏰

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