Chapter 15

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When we got outside to where the tour bus was parked to leave to out next concert in Houston, the Tech-department was putting everything in the bus. The students had their own bus, while Alex and (Y/N) were in ours.

When I saw Camila walk towards (Y/N) I was curious what she was going to do. Since the bus was already running there was a lot of noise so I couldn't exactly hear what they were saying. So I just watched them. 

They smiled at each other and stood there looking at each other and Camila looked like she was blushing. Then (Y/N) said something as Camila looked away, shyly putting a strain of her behind her ear. Then (Y/N) kissed her cheek and turned around and got back to her previous task. Camila walked back to us while fanning herself all dramatically signalling she was hot. The rest of the girls and I rolled our eyes as we got in the bus.

After a while Alex and (Y/N) joined us and the bus started moving. Houston TX, here we come!



After being on the road, the girls invited me to do a Ustream with them. Since the bus had a wifi router on it we could go online. They also asked Alex but she wanted to take a nap in her bunk.

The girls already started as they introduced me; "Our special guest today is (Y/N)! She's the co-manager of the Tech-department of our tour!" Ally explained as all of them cheered and signaled for me to come and sit down in front of the laptop which had the camera in it. I sat down on the couch with Camila on my right and Lauren on my left and the others on the floor in front of us. They all started talking and laughing as I sometimes also said something. I tried to be as entertaining as possible and every time I made a joke, they actually laughed. After a while I staid quiet, the fans were watching to see them not me. After a few seconds I felt Lauren and Camila's heads my shoulders, as they also went silent. After a while we said goodbye to the camera and quit the Ustream.

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