Chapter 32

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I woke up still in my hospital bed. The doctor was standing next to my bed and so was the nurse. "Do you remember what happened?" the doctor asked me when he noticed I had woken up. "I was talking to my friends and then everything went black. Did something bad happen?" I told them honestly. " Nothing to be worried about, you're bloodpressure was just low. Have you eaten enough?" He asked me as I sighed in releaf and nodded. " What did you have today?" He asked me again while taking his clipboard out and starting to write something. "I had the breakfast the nurses gave me aswell as the lunch, and my friends brought me some pizza and ice cream." I told him. "Okay, there seems to be nothing wrong then. You just have to watch what you're eating for a while okay? Not too much sugar, not too much salt." He told me as I nodded and thanked him. The doctor and the nurse walked out and not even 2 seconds later the girls all ran in hugging me with tears in their eyes. " Don't scare us like that again!" Ally said. "I won't, I'm sorry." I told them all. "Guys, can I talk to (Y/N) alone please? It'll only take a sec." Lauren asked the rest. The all nodded and left my room. Lauren turned around and started fully crying now. "Hey,hey, calm down. Come here." I told her opening my arms so she could lay down hugging me. "Why would you do something like that?" she asked me still crying. "Something like what?" I asked her whiping the tears from her cheeks. "I asked you if you were okay, and you lied to me by saying you were fine. Why would you do something like that? You know how much we care about you, you know how much I care about you. I can't stand seeying you like this. " she told me. " I'm sorry, I really am. " I told her. "I know you are.. But this just made me realize how much I still care about you. I..I'm...I'm in love with you (Y/N). I was before but I just tried putting my feelings aside because you wanted to be friends with me and nothing more. And this just opened my eyes; if something ever happened to you and I hadn't told you about my feelings for you, I would never be able to live with myself." She told me looking up to meet my eyes. I was speachless.



When (Y/N) didn't say anything, I understood that she didn't feel the same so I walked away. Before I could grab the doorknob, I felt a hand on my wrist, turning me around. Before I knew it, (Y/N) crashed her soft and perfect lips on to mine. "I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it, but I'm in love with you to. I always have." She told me placing her forehead onto mine when we separated from the kiss. "It's okay. But please just go lay down before the nurse and the girls all come in and get mad at you for getting of. " I told her and helped her get on the bed again. "You have a broken leg and a broken arm, still you stood up and walked towards me. What the hell?" I said laughing and sitting down on the bed. "It's always less painful for me to have a broken arm and a broken leg, then seeing you have a broken heart.." She told me. Can she not? Why is she so perfect? I blushed and kissed her cheek. "So what does this mean? You know, for us?" I asked her. "Well, I really want to start a relationship with you again.. But we'll take things slow. We'll pretend like our previous relationship never happened, we'll just start over." She told me. "So, would you like to go on a date with me when I get out of this hospital?" She asked me looking into my eyes. "Yes, of course." I told her and laid down next to her. After a while I went to the hallway and get the girls. (Y/N) and I decided to not tell the girls yet, until we saw how our date went.


Hey guys,
Hope you like the story so far!
Xoxo Alyssa

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