Finding My Poipole

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The group emerged from the portal flying over some sort of unfamiliar town. Lunala descended and everyone got off it it's back. "Where are we?" Selene asked.

Phyco fiddled with a device on his wrist. "We're in the Kanto Region in your universe. Lunala didn't have enough time to pick a destination in the realm so we ended up here."

They were in a town with a Pokémon Center, a mart, several buildings, and one big orange building. Ledges were all over the small town and a fountain was stationed in the center.

Elio looked around in awe. "Woah. I've never been to the Kanto region. This place is so different from Alola!"

Selene shivered. "Colder too. Almost wish I'd brought some warmer clothes." Elio reaches into his bag and tossed a jacket over to her. "Oh, Elio are you sure you don't want it?"

"I'm good," Her friend replied. "I'm not that cold. I just have that in case I need to get to some of Melemele's caves."

Selene slid the jacket on. "So, now what?"

"It seems that Luna was killed by that Mewtwo," Phyco answered softly. "Which explains Necrozma's sudden attack. It likely simply wants power and to cause destruction now that its trainer is gone."

Selene didn't know how to take in the news. The poor girl had died to that Mewtwo like Selene almost had before she was saved by- "Where's Poipole?" Selene asked, looking around.

The Ultra Beast was nowhere to be seen. "Oh dear. Poipole must still be heartbroken." Phyco mused.

"We gotta find him then!" Zossie declared. The group seemed to be in agreement and they started looking around the town for Poipole.

Selene and Elio walked together around the northern part of the town while Zossie and Phyco searched the lower part.

"Elio, do you have any idea who that Decidueye that saves us was?" Selene asked.

Elio shrugged. "Not a clue. I saw it fly off to some other figure but I couldn't tell if it was a human or not."

"Phyco said humans were extinct in that world," Selene recalled. "So I wonder what it must've been."

"There's no way to be sure. Whatever it was though, it saved us." Elio said.

They came to a bridge leading to a mountainous path and stopped. "Do you think Poipole went up there?" Elio wondered.

Selene frowned. "I'm not sure." She suddenly saw something move out of the corner of her eye. Selene turned her head to see Poipole flying off. "Poipole! Wait!" She called and started running after it.

Poipole vanished around the corner of a building and as Selene rounded it she ran into someone. Selene fell backward onto her butt while the person stumbled forward.

"Ah shoot, sorry." Selene apologized as she got up.

The boy she bumped into looked to be a bit younger than her. He had unkempt red hair and was wearing a black overcoat. "It's alright." The boy smiled at her warmly.

Elio came around the corner not too much later. "Did Poipole get away?"

Selene nodded. "Yeah. I lost him." She frowned. That was their opportunity to find the missing Ultra Beast and she had blown it.

"What's the matter?" The boy asked them. "Maybe I can help."

"Oh, we're looking for a Pokémon called Poipole. It's pretty rare and from the Alola region so you probably haven't ever heard of it." Selene decided that lying would be easier than explaining what an Ultra Beast was to someone uninitiated. "We're visiting Kanto to tour the world and he ran off."

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