The Tragedy of Necrozma

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The group arrived at the dark city in little time but Lunala didn't descend and instead flew over the many buildings. "Where are we going?" Elio asked.

"There are some ruins not far from town where I can teach you both more about Necrozma and we can hopefully find a way to stop it," Phyco explained.

Lunala began descending and touched down outside of a stone cave. Phyco took a flashlight out of his pocket and shone it into the cave. "Here we will learn the Tragedy of Necrozma."

Rotom flew out of Selene's bag "This sounds way past cool dudes! I better listen in so I can get the 411 for the ole dex!"

Phyco lead the group into the cave and directed his light on the wall. A drawing depicted a yellow draconian beast with four wings, giant claws, and a long tail.

Elio marveled at the detail of the drawing. It captured the immense power that the Pokémon was sure to have. "What... is that?"

Phyco handed the flashlight to Zossie who kept hold of it. "This is Necrozma, in its original form."

Elio pointed at the mural. "That's Necrozma? It looks nothing like him!"

Phyco nodded. "Indeed. Long ago, the people of this realm were gifted light by Necrozma. It was a kind Pokémon that showed them many realms and brought many treasures and in return the people worshipped it." He explained.

Selene nudged Elio's arm and pointed at sharp arrows just out of view from the light. "What are those?"

Phyco followed her finger and sighed. "Zossie, back up a bit." Zossie took a few steps back and the light revealed what looked to be several arrows converging on Necrozma. "Our people attacked Necrozma, wanting its light for themselves."

Selene gasped and put her hands to her mouth. "That's horrible! Why would they do that?"

"I do not know, but I believe they felt some sort of desire to no longer rely on Necrozma for their prosperity. Needless to say, it didn't work." Phyco answered. "The attack resulted in Necrozma being greatly wounded, and its light being lost."

Phyco walked further down the cave and motioned the group to follow him. Elio noticed Selene trail behind Phyco quite a bit. "Selene, anything the matter?" He asked.

Selene shook her head. "It's just a lot to take in." She answered.

Phyco came to a stop and Zossie pointed the flashlight at the wall again. This time, it revealed a much more familiar depiction of Necrozma in its prismatic form.

"Necrozma was left in a shattered and broken form. Its light was gone and thus Ultra Megalopolis fell into darkness." Phyco continued. "Necrozma's pain caused it to fly into a blind rage, attacking anything it could and trying to steal the light from other realms."

Elio was sure he heard Selene whimper and he saw her lip start to quiver. Elio didn't know why Selene was getting so upset by this. It was unfortunate, but they couldn't do anything about it now. And Necrozma was hurting them.

"Necrozma was defeated by the mighty Tapu Pokémon and we were able to bring it home with us. Our people of old then built a tower that provided artificial light to Necrozma and that would contain it." Phyco gestured to a drawing of the tower they had seen in the center of Ultra Megalopolis.

"You trapped it? After attacking it?" Selene whispered. "What is wrong with you people?"

Phyco turned to her and raised an eyebrow. "Please keep in mind, this was all hundreds of years before my time. I'm merely trying to clean up the mess my ancestors made."

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