Losing Control

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Elio was relieved to see his home world once again as they went through a portal and ended up in the skies above Akala Island. "We're going to the lab down in Heahea City!" Elio shouted to the Ultra Recon Captain.

Phyco nodded and the group descended toward the building with a large satellite outside it. "Wow, this place looks almost unrecognizable to a few years ago." Selene mused.

"Sure does! Actually, since you were last here we also had the Tide Song Hotel open back up!" Elio told Selene. Elio had been hard at work with the Trial Captains and the newly instated Kahunas to bring Alola back to its former glory and Heahea City had been one of their most successful attempts at that.

The buildings were all mostly repaired, shops had reopened, people had moved back in, and even the hotels were reopening slowly, bringing in many tourists.

Lunala came to a stop as it hovered just above the paved road next to the satellite. Elio slid off and waited for everyone else to disembark.

The Dimensional Research Lab had taken lots of time to get back into operation but thanks to Selene and Nebby, they were able to do lots of research on Ultra Wormholes.

Elio led the group into the main lobby and everyone packed into the elevator. The doors went up and Elio relived the time Selene and he had gone up this very elevator in hopes of sending Selene home only to be ambushed.

The doors slid open and the lab was anything but orderly. Scientists were running around the room, checking computers and shouting things at each other.

Selene and Elio looked at each other and Elio shrugged. "Let's try and find Professor Burnet," Elio said to the group.

They walked past the laboratory and to the back office where a woman sat with her hands on her temples while she stared at the many papers on her desk.

"What does all of this mean?" She wondered. The woman had white hair and very tan skin with a grey tank top on. She looked up and jumped slightly. "Elio! I didn't see you come in!" She looked behind him. "And who are these new faces?"

Phyco and Zossie did their square wave in unison. "Greetings!" Phyco said. "We are the Ultra Recon Squad! I am Captain Phyco and this is Zossie!"

"Ultra Recon Squad? I've never heard of it." Professor Burnet said. "I'm sorry to say I don't have much time to chat right now."

Selene looked back over at the laboratory. "What's all the commotion about?"

"That's why I can't talk." Professor Burnet said. "Wormholes have been opening up all over the world and we've been getting some insane readings, even some that match Nebby's wavelength."

All the breath seemed to evaporate from Elio's lungs. "Wormholes? With Ultra Beasts?" He confirmed.

Professor Burnet nodded. "They've been attacking all day and since we're the only ones who have significantly researched them we need to find a solution to it."

Anger began to bubble up in Elio from his gut. "We can stop him." He said with a clenched jaw.

"That's actually why we're here," Selene added.

The Professor grinned. "Really? Well, how can I help then?"

Phyco stepped forward. "You said some of the portals had their Solgaleo's 'wavelength.' Can you track it down?"

Professor Burnet stood up and started looking for papers. "Not quite. We found that any creature who creates Ultra Wormholes creates them all with the same wavelength. That's at least what we thought but it sounds like you all haven't been with Nebby."

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