Lord vs Lordess

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Selene crash-landed on the dirt ground of a foreign world and immediately began coughing as dust filled her lungs. She looked around at the new world she had been transported to.

All around her was a desolate wasteland. Wreckage of buildings scattered the dusty field and the sky was a putrid yellow. The air quality was terrible and each inhalation brought dust and dirt with it.

"Ow..." Zossie groaned. The young girl was still on the ground and seemed discombobulated. "Jeez! What happened back there?"

Selene recalled what she could from the brief interaction with Necrozma. "Elio shouted at it and then I tried calling it down but Necrozma attacked us and we were thrown into this world."

Zossie got to her feet. "Well darn. I hope they're alright."

"Yeah, me too." Selene looked up at the sky. "Poor Elio. He's had such a hard time rebuilding his Alola and now this happens..."

"No worries!" Zossie assured her. "Mr. Phyco can track us down and then we'll stop Necrozma once and for all!"

Selene sighed. "I don't want to stop Necrozma, I want to talk to it. I want it to know I understand so I can help."

Zossie shrugged. "Are you sure that'll work?"

"I have to try. After all its been through, the least I can do is offer it some sympathy." Selene told the young girl. "Let's try looking around and see if we can find some shelter, I don't like being out in the open."

The two walked through the wasteland and come across a partially destroyed building. Part of it had sunken into the ground while another large chunk of the wall as missing.

"What type of disaster caused this?" Selene wondered.

Zossie peered into the home. "No clue! Mr. Phyco usually has information on all these worlds, I just like seeing the cool new Pokémon and the bright sun!"

"How come a young kid like you is allowed to go on these sorts of missions?" Selene asked as they strolled down what remained of a street.

Zossie's shoulders went up and down once again. "Mr. Phyco and the rest of the Ultra Recon Squad have been my family for pretty much as long as I can remember. I've been going on these adventures since I was really young."

Selene was a bit surprised by how natural this all was for the young girl to talk about but brushed it off.

The two came to what was left of an intersection and Selene felt more and more unnerved by the giant holes in the buildings. She felt her heart rate begin to rise and her eyes scanned the field around them.

A low rumble came from the earth and Selene was further put on edge. "We need to find somewhere to hide before-" Selene couldn't finish the sentence as a ferocious and familiar growl echoed from afar.

Selene spun on her heel to where she'd heard the growl and fear filled her as she realized what was down the road. A Guzzlord stared them down and began stomping over on its bulky legs.

"Uh oh." Zossie murmured. "I've heard of these things. We should probably get cover."

The girl's words fell on deaf ears, however. As Selene was taken back to the desperate battle she had fought against one of those monsters with Elio by her side in their final face-off against Guzma.

Zossie tugged on Selene's arm. "Uh, Selene. We gotta move!" The beast was making its way over to them quickly. Guzzlord's large pincer arms were extended and its mouth was wide open. The mouth was large enough to swallow Selene whole.

Selene still couldn't will herself to move as the monster got closer and closer. That was until one of her Poké Balls burst open and Nihilego appeared next to her.

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