Bringing the Light

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Selene and the others stood in shock at what had just happened for a brief moment before she balled her hands into fists. "We need to go after them." She declared.

Ralph nodded. "Absolutely. There's no telling what those Shadows will do to Elio when left to their own devices."

"We gotta save Mr. Elio!" Zossie said.

"Zzt-Zzt!" Rotom buzzed. "Way true dude! Elio's a tough guy but those are some baaaad Pokémon!"

Solgaleo flew over to them and Selene inspected it. "You able to fly us, buddy?" She asked and her lion nodded.

As they boarded Selene's Pokémon, she noticed Necrozma seemed to be waiting around. "Necrozma, we'll be back. We have to go rescue Elio but then we'll help you regain your light." She told it and Solgaleo leaped off into a portal.

They arrived in some form of alternate Alola and seemed to be on the Lake of the Sunne. Selene heard screaming and looked forward to see Elio plummeting from the sky.

"ELIO!" She screamed. Solgaleo sped through the air and caught Elio from the sky before he could hit the ground.

Solgaleo landed and Selene looked at all the Shadows and the newly possessed Ultra Beasts that were descending on them.

Selene looked at Elio who was now sitting up behind her and felt relief wash over her. He was safe and unharmed. "Ok Solgaleo, let's get back to the prism!"

Solgaleo opened up a portal but a laser from Lunala struck the ground next to the group and threw everyone off of Selene's Ultra Beast.

Selene tumbled to the ground and looked up to see everyone surrounded by Shadows. "Sparkling Aria!" Elio shouted and water began to rain down, destroying some of the Shadows.

Selene looked up to see Primarina hopping over to them while an Ultra Beast made of wires perused her. Selene tossed a Poké Ball into the air and Incineroar burst from it. "Flamethrower!"

Incineroar fired flames over at the Shadow and it retreated while guarding its gem. "Is everyone alright?" Selene asked.

Ralph groaned. "I'm fine but my Pokémon are exhausted from the last battle. I don't think we can hold them all off."

"We need to help Lunala," Elio said unwaveringly. He stared up at the possessed Moone Pokémon and bit his lip.

"That can be solved with Necrozma refilling the prism," Phyco recalled. "But we have to escape in order to do that."

Elio pointed up and Selene jerked her head to see Lunala firing another Moongeist Beam down at them. "Solgaleo use Sunsteel Strike to counter it!"

Solgaleo leaped up and started to glow as it took the beam head-on. Solgaleo came to a stop and dissipated the attack but some of the Shadows started to close in on it.

"Moonblast!" Elio's Pokémon wasted no time firing the fairy move to assist Solgaleo and destroy an unsuspecting Shadow.

There's no way we can deal with all of this... Selene thought. "Solgaleo use Flamethrower on Lunala and then get back down here! We need to leave!"

Solgaleo spewed flames forward into the sky but Lunala countered with several rays of ice. The moves collided and generated an explosion.

Solgaleo threw up and tackled Lunala, landing a clean hit but Selene internally groaned as the two Ultra Beasts began to fight.

"Selene! Look out!" Elio shouted and he pushed her out of the way. She looked over his shoulder to see several powerful thunderbolts shoot past them.

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