Chapter 4 - Suppressing The Flame

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Author's Notes: I couldn't find a similar photo with a season one outfit, but you can just imagine it is. Sorry! 

Photo Credits: reese_tano


"Padawan Tano, I'm Caleb Dume. Here to help you." He greeted as he knelt in front of Ahsoka.

Ugh. Do all the Padawans do this now? It's not like I'm a Master or Jedi Knight yet. She thought, recalling the time Barriss Offee Knelt in front of her also.

"Nice to meet you." She responded. Ahsoka offered to assist him up off the murky ground by placing her palm out, and he gazed up to take her hand. He mouthed the words, thank you, as she lifted him.

"It's getting dark Padawans, and with the rain still pouring down, we'll have to sleep inside the LAATs tonight." Master Billaba confirmed. Caleb opened the side door panels of the craft and began grabbing supplies from the rear.

"We'll go and unfold the cots from the storage crates, Master. Ahsoka, will you do the pleasure and help me?" Caleb asked. They unfolded numerous cots while Master Billaba stepped away from the campsite and towards a moisten rock to meditate. She relaxed on top and crossed her legs as she gradually shut her eyes.

"How's your Padawan journey going so far, Ahsoka?" He questioned, as he rested onto the cot he recently loosened.

"It was more than I expected it to be. I've made a lot of mistakes since I first came here. But thanks to my Master, he's making my journey easier and enjoyable. If you know what I mean." She giggled, as she recalled positive memories of her and Anakin.

"What about you? You look kinda young to be a Padawan." Ahsoka replied.

"I like it so far. I just didn't expect the numerous responsibilities that originated with it. I may seem young, but I'm more prepared in my mind and emotions." Caleb explained as he shifted to stare at Ahsoka's facial traits.

"Aren't you that Togruta youngling who was bullied because you had white paint permanently stuck onto your face? They called you Wampa because of it, didn't they?" Caleb alleged.

"No," Ahsoka whispered in anguish. She stirred her body to face the other side of the ship, and Caleb sat up to the side of his cot.

"I remembered what the students described her. She looks precisely like you." He added, but what Caleb didn't comprehend was that he continued to fuel her anger towards him. Ahsoka immediately got out of her cot and clutched her lightsaber with the Force, she unwilling activated her lightsaber but withdrew her emotions to take authority. She stared at him with his hands up in the air, stunned he was going to expire that day. Ahsoka planted her lightsaber back to her waist then proceeded to bed trembling, striving to circumvent the memories that brought up her horrible experience as a youngling.

"I'm sorry, Caleb." Ahsoka apologized.

"No. I Apologize for bringing it up. I want to let you know that... most of us have been there before. You know... it's not a great experience. But it helps to talk it out with someone." Caleb emphasized as he began to grow more somnolent by the second. Ahsoka didn't reply but believed about his advice. Who would she explain this to? Plo Koon? Rex? Surely not Anakin. It would make her seem weak. Several moments later, Ahsoka would drop to sleep. 

Depa overheard rustle of leaves stretching south from the dense forest behind her. She swung around and prepared a combative stance with her hand, ready to clutch her lightsaber.

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