Chapter 13 - Mixed Signals on Riflor

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"Anakin. You've been staring at me since we've disembarked here, and it's kinda creeping me out." Ahsoka complained as she knelt up, shifting her perception away from R7 and towards Anakin.

"It's because you have something on your face, Snips," Anakin smirked, giving her a friendly wink that indicated that he wasn't mendacious. He observed the crimson planet from the Venator's bridge, and through his binoculars, he could see one thing he abhorred. Sand. The ebony sand enveloped the surface for kilometers, from hills to the mountainous terrain.

"If we go now, we'll be ahead of the sandstorm from the other side of the planet," Anakin proposed.

"We'll stay here if you require any help." Rex chimed in, sitting on a bench while he cleaned his blaster with a rag.

"With Ahsoka here with me, I don't think we'll need any. Let's go." Anakin boasted, jogging out towards the hanger.

"Wait!" Ahsoka exclaimed as she lagged behind him, flushing. Ahsoka perpetuated to wipe the viscous smudge off her cheek while she endeavored to conceal her tint of embarrassment. "You couldn't tell me I had something on my face from the beginning?" Ahsoka asked.

Anakin spun around and observed her behavior. Curious on what would transpire, he wanted to see if he could push it further.

"I think it suits you well. It makes you more... appealing." Anakin complimented her, decelerating to input commands to his com-link located on his arm. Ahsoka froze, confused about what he denoted, and queried herself about the thoughts going through his head as she started to notice something different with his force aura. Something must have transmuted on his way here, so without hesitation, Ahsoka shut her eyes and reached out to Anakin's force bond.

Although she could still feel the profound bond that tied them both together, the thoughts she was reaching out for contained no information that could avail her. Like there was nothing there. Empty.

How can there be nothing? She thought.

"Grab your equipment. I'll meet you at the speeders, Snips." Anakin commanded, pressing the button on a door in which he then exited. Anakin continued until he reached outside, as he didn't know Ahsoka was trying to tap onto his mind. Ahsoka silently sighed in defeat and went to their quarters to grab a few supplies. She dashed outside to the dust-covered speeders where Anakin was waiting patiently.

While Ahsoka was getting her bike prepared, she stared at the scarce battles of ships battling above them during the late evening. Anakin caught sight of her distracted and walked towards her.

"Hey. Master Plo will be alright." Anakin comforted.

"I've never doubted him, but the Ventator should be out here helping them," Ahsoka suggested as she surmounted onto the bike. Anakin stepped and climbed back onto his before turning to look at Ahsoka.

"The faster we get to Obi-wan, the faster we can help them." He replied. Anakin saluted Ahsoka, and both of them turned on their turbines.

"Try to catch up." He teased as he started to thrust onward. An azure flash that crackled immensely like force lighting emitted from the console and visually impaired Ahsoka temporarily. "Ugh..." She groaned.


"What is it, Ahsoka?" Anakin answered, his head down in dismay. He pivoted his speeder clockwise 180 degrees back to Ahsoka's location and gazed at the dilapidated piece of junk she was on.

"My speeder isn't working." Ahsoka proceeded to rev up the engine a couple of times to attempt to get the corroded mechanism to operate but to no avail. She sat down and pondered about it for a minute and discovered the issue. "I think I know what's wrong. Can you give me some time to repair it?" Ahsoka proposed, getting off the bike.

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