Chapter 16 - The Nemesis of Tano

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Author's Notes: Hope you enjoy his point of view! 

"Padawan-I mean, Jedi Knight, Arcann." Kit-Fisto corrected, appearing to his side.

"Hello, Master Fisto. How can I help you today?" Arcann replied.

"Congratulations on your knighting last week. Your Master is proud of you." Praised Kit-Fisto. All the Masters were quite impressed with Arcann completing his trails of being a Jedi-knight, but he had to endure a lot with a strict figurehead.

"Thank you. I know he's proud of me, Master Fisto." He lied, pausing for moments before saying his statement. Arcann's mind in the Force was crumbling like bare minerals as his views and values of being a Jedi commenced to fall. His Master required countless hours of training and learning from him, but Arcann didn't deliver what his Master wanted.

If my Master were here to see you, he would have been ashamed of both of us!

As he thought of the relentless scoldings from his Master, he shifted the blame to the Padawan Ahsoka Tano, and Arcann was furious that Master Yoda switched the list at the last second. Yoda didn't even ask or suggested an alternative, but he understood there wasn't a choice to be presented if it happened.

I was supposed to be the one on Christophsis.

I was supposed to be with The Chosen One.

I was supposed to be Happy.

Master Skywalker was strong with the Force, and Arcann kept on believing in how he would have been the perfect student for him.

"Where are you going, today? Your first sole Jedi Knight mission?" Kit-Fisto asked.

"Yes, I must go now." He responded, his hands covered by the robes and held together. Chancellor Palpatine made several meetings with Jedi Arcann, and both were fond of each other. Arcann regraded Palpatine as a father and mentor because of how welcoming he is when it comes to the situations Arcann was dealing with.

"Jedi Knight Arcann. Ah, Congratulations on your trail. I am soo proud of you." Praised Chancellor Palpatine. He casually stepped towards him and gave him a warm embrace.

"Thank you, your Excellency. So what brings me here today?" Arcann asked as he sat down in front of his monotonous desk.

"I found something that could assist you in being more powerful than Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano." He stated, staring at Arcann's expression change to a more concentrated one.

"I'm listening," Arcann said, hand on his chin and a sly smile developing on his face.

"I've heard rumours, but I'm not quite sure. That Master Skywalker has developed feelings for his Padawan."

"Feelings? Jedi aren't allowed to develop feelings for each other, bonds yes, but feelings? It leads to attachments." Arcann stated, disapproving of Skywalker's actions.

"Yes... Yes. I have a mission for you. They are at Alderaan taking some sort of 'vacation' and I want you to head there to check it out. If the reports are true, then I want you to come back and talk to Barris Offee. She has a plan for something but needs a Jedi to frame." Explained Palpatine.

"What plan?" Arcann asked as he stood up, ready to grab his lightsaber.

"Now now, this won't hurt anyone. Only Ahsoka Tano. Bariss needs someone to frame when she bombs the Jedi temple. It will be in a secluded location." Palpatine clarified, both of his hands slightly raised in the air.

Arcann furrowed his eyebrows while contemplating the decision that would change his life forever. If he continued, the war could end faster than expected, and the political statement that it will cause would gain more funding for the Grand Army of The Republic, or get the Jedi out of the war in which they should never participate in the first place. If he didn't, the war could see no end in sight, but in the inside, he didn't care. He wanted revenge on Ahsoka Tano.

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