thirty five.

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"You ready?" Brix poked his head in their bedroom door, seeing if Na'imah was dressed

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"You ready?" Brix poked his head in their bedroom door, seeing if Na'imah was dressed. Today she was getting her tattoo to cover her scar, and she was excited, but also slightly scared of the pain since it would not only be between her breasts, but directly on the bones.

"Mhm," she nodded. "You walked my children?" she raised her eyebrows and he laughed, nodded. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around him tightly, laying her head on his chest taking a deep breath.

"Wassup? You okay, Princess?" he asked, rubbing her back.

"Yeah, I had a bad dream," she sighed. "I just missed you,"

Her bad dreams weren't as frequent now, but they still happened and she found herself wanting only Yasir after she woke up from them.

"I missed you too baby," he kissed her forehead. "You wanna make the appointment fa' a different day? I know them nightmares mess wit' yo' sleep so we ca' just lay down mama," he rubbed her hair.

"No, I wanna go," she sighed. "I'm ready," she reluctantly pulled away from him, to leave the room. He followed behind her, poking his head in the studio to see Gutta and Bambi sleeping peacefully and he shook his head at how Bambi took up a bigger spot than the adult sized pitbull.

While they drove, he kept his eye on her, seeing her lean against the window and shutting her eyes. He knew her nightmares usually sucked the energy from her, so he expected it, but it never ceased to make him upset.

"You wanna go see the baby later, Nana?" he asked and a smile slowly spread across her face and she nodded.

Selah was now nearing her fourth week of life, and they were all obsessed with her. They tried not to overwhelm Sev and Grim, since they were very new parents. They'd been over once or twice  a week since the week after Selah came home, but that did not stop them from asking for a thousand pictures every day.

So far, little Selah was full of personality. Sevyn's personality to be specific. She was sure to be very vocal when she was hungry, tired, needed her diaper changed or simply wanted to be held. She stared with the intensity of her father, and loved to be held by him, all the time.

She would cry if he tried to put her down during their time together, and Sevyn would laugh at him because he was already wrapped around her tiny fingers. He didn't dare put her down once she showed a sign of crying.

Brix couldn't make fun of him because he was the exact same way, he loved Selah and was already doing whatever she wanted. Nobody could imagine how much worse it was going to get when she was older and he couldn't tell her no to save his life.

Na'imah, who was already very soft and emotional was a complete wreck the first time Selah smiled at her. She didn't have any experience with babies at all, so learning how to care for her Goddaughter was a new experience that she was enjoying very much. Sev and Grim were really patient with her, and so was Selah.

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