Chapter 2 - We're all broken

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The warm sunset kisses my skin as I walked down the streets. Cold wind violently blew around the place sending chills through my whole body. I rubbed my hands together to warm myself up.

It was getting pretty late so I took the shorter route home instead of the one that I usually pass through. Tch if only Seungkwan didn't drag us to the newly opened cafe to eat "again" then I wouldn't have to go home this late.

'It's been a long time since I passed by this route.' I thought to myself.

I stopped in my tracks when a small familiar cafe came into view. One I haven't visited nor seen in months. The reason why I haven't taken this path in a long time is because it held so many memories. It was a happy one that I cannot bear to recall because it can only cause me extreme pain.

I reminisced a blissful memory. It was a memory of him.

"This was his favorite place."


"Noona! You said you would treat me today. I'm telling you their food is delicious!"

We stood infront of the small cafe on our way home. He kept on tugging my arm, begging me to treat him. Dang it, I didn't even have enough money with me. Ugh...this spoiled brat.

"Chan I didn't bring any money with me. Use your own."

"Pleaseeee~ You promised~"

He pleaded while doing aegyo. He knows I can't resist his aegyo.

"Fine! You win."

I answered him slightly annoyed but he just giggled at me. We went inside the cafe and ordered his favorite, blueberry cheesecake. And cost me a lot.

"Thank you Noona!"

He cheerfully said to me and started eating his "expensive" dessert. A grin formed on my face because of his cute actions.

"Aigoo you little devil~"

I playfully pinched his cheek and just watched him gobble up his food.

Seeing him this happy made me happy too.

"Noona, you really are the best! I'm glad I have you."

Hearing those words come out of his mouth made my heart warm. He's the only one who can remind me that I'm not a bad person.

And that I can still change.

*end of flashback

Unknowingly, a tear leaked out of the corner of my eye.

'You have to let it out once in a while.'

Hansol's voice echoed inside my head and that's when I couldn't hold it in anymore. I let my tears fall freely to the ground and cupped my face. The pain was too much to handle.

'God, is this the punishment you're giving me?'

After minutes of crying, I wiped my tears away and continued to walk home.

The sky was so dark already so I looked at my watch.


'Shit, I am so dead.'

Was I standing and crying there for too long? Aish Hyebin why'd you gotta get so emotional?

I quicken my pace and found myself standing infront of our doorstep. Slowly, I turned the knob, making sure I don't create a single noise as I entered the house. The lights were on but he wasn't around.

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