Chapter 13 - Misunderstandings

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Lunch time have gotten noisier ever since the others joined to eat with us. Hansol, Seungkwan and Jihoon were laughing their heads off when they knew about the day Soonyoung and I hung out. They just couldn't believe that we got along well, knowing that we always fight with each other.

"Soonyoung cried while watching a horror movie?" Jihoon asked me as he kept on laughing.

"Yep, you guys should've been there. It was quiet a sight." I told them, chuckling as I slowly ate my meal.

On the other hand, Soonyoung held his head down and pouted out of shame.

"He's always been a scaredy-cat." Minghao smirked.

"Hey! Whose side are you on?"

Soonyoung frowned and nudged Minghao. He really thought his friends could back him up but they love teasing him.

"I'm not the only scaredy-cat here. There's Seungkwan and Seokmin too!" Soonyoung pointed to the two of them.

"Yah don't drag me into this." Seokmin argued.

"Atleast I don't cry watching horror movies." Seungkwan teased Soonyoung.

All of us laughed at him at the same time. Soonyoung just pouted and continued to eat his meal.

"What's so funny?"

Out of a sudden, Jieqiong arrived, holding a food tray on her hands. It's been a long time since we ate together. She's been busy with family business lately so she had to skip a few days to attend them.

"Girl, where have you been?" Seungkwan pulled her to sit beside him.

"Mianhe, family business." She replied.

"So what was so funny?" She asked us.

"Oh Soonyoung and Hyebin hung out last weekend and it was a hectic day." Seungkwan informed her, chuckling.

"Last weekend?" Jieqiong asked.

All of them nodded. Jieqiong went quiet all of a sudden. Her expression wasn't lively anymore. Confused, I furrowed my eyebrows.

'Was there something wrong?'

"Why didn't I know about this?" She turned to look at me, directing the question to me. Her eyes stared straight into mine.

"Oh I forgot...A lot of things happened lately."

I awkwardly scratched the nape of my neck. It's just that I couldn't get ahold of her since she was busy with her family. I do want to tell her but I kept on forgetting.

" you forgot."

She fiddled with her food and held her head down. Her voice sounded hurt and disappointed. I didn't understand why she was being like this.

"You got new friends now huh? Tell me, when are you gonna leave me behind again?"

She lifted her head up to face me. An angered expression was intact on her face. I raised my eyebrows at her in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" I asked her. She was being vague right now.

"Don't act all dumb Hyebin! You're gonna leave me again are you?! Just like what happened before! Am I even your friend?!"

The others turned their heads to her when she raised her voice at me. My eyes widened, surprised that she was acting like this. I've never seen her this mad before.

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