Chapter 5

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SJ's pov*

I got up at 6am to prepare myself for 7, my shift is from 7 to 2 in the afternoon and after that I'd go to a cafe where I work my second job.

I cleaned myself and headed to the kitchen to make pancakes for my brother Hoseok and I. Our parents are basically rich people who cares more about their jobs than their sons, so we decided to move when I was 20 and Hoseok was 17, they didn't even care where we went or what we did but I'm sure they were glad we were out of their sights, we didn't care either all they did was made us live in a big mansion without being noticed and without being loved. It was hard for Hoseok but later came to accept it.

We both have been going good so far, after I finished college they accepted me as a doctor even though I was still young at the age of 22, it's been three years ever since, Hoseok however is in his last year of college and wants to become a dance choreographer. We live in a small apartment where I provide everything. He desperately wants to help and we've had the arguement for multiple times but of course he realized that I'm his brother, of all people me. Finishing my pancake I was putting my shoes on and screaming to the still asleep Hobi that I'm heading out.

Arriving at 'XX's Hospital' I greeted my fellow mates. It was still quiet and normal nobody died so far, after an hour or so the bell had rang informing the surgical doctors that it was their time, we already had our coats, masks, hats, and gloves on. We ran on and recieved the patient and began working on the woman which took a few hours before the machine made a long beep signaling that there was no more heartbeat.

The man had died on the spot but the woman went through surgery but still didn't make it at the end.

"Name: Mrs Kim ..., Death time: 11:23am, cause of death: too much blood lose and damage to internal organs" the other doctor announced as he wrote on his pad.

I failed once again but of course it's what I had signed up for. It wasn't the first time a life had lost by my teammates and I, even tho we learnt to accept these things as being a doctor it still haunts us at times, what if a family member died by my own hands?... I need air.

I was heading to the roof where I normally go to get my mind off of these type of things. I'd sit, sulk, cry, thinks about the dead's family, kinda gets over it, goes back down and kill another being, that's how it is.

I went up and saw nobody as usual, but the sun was so damn hot I know it's supposed to be hot but damn not as hot as me...(jealous)...I stand in the sun not giving two fucks about the heat pressure on my skin and inhale the air that I needed.

After a few minutes I head to the back where I normally sit in the shade, as I was going to make my turn I collided with another man falling backwards, landing on my bum wincing in pain, as I got up and rub my ass, I smirked in my head thinking that this was my time to shine, to blow steam (words) out of my mouth, Hobi hasn't been home and has been too good of a boy I have nobody to curse but now I my mouth went on and on, that one last brain cell all the way at the back of my head was thinking about how breathtakingly attractive the man is, he looks pale like he just finish crying but still looks good, his eyes are dark and carry no expression as he was staring at me, he's tall and hair looks so soft and beautiful, I've never seen him around here so he's most definitely a patient... but why?

He suddenly cut me off with his deep hoarse voice 'I'm sorry' he said as he brushed passed my shoulders and disappeared behind the door. What dahh fuck!! Was I saying?? I was so distracted I didn't even hear myself (neither of them were paying attention)... did I mention I'm gay?

Right, two years ago when I was in college I had a girlfriend manee she was beautiful of course you can't be ugly and be with a beautiful ass guy like me (a/n: I hurt myself here) night we were having a makeout session, things were getting heated but for some reason the little (not literally) baby down there just wouldn't get duh fuck up! She was embarrassed and went running out the room after fixing herself, mane I was confused myself but I couldn't stop myself from laughing I thought it was because I didn't really like her and it wasn't meant to be but the very next day I was shocked at what had happened...

I walked in on two men making out in the bathroom and unexpectedly mr junior down there decided to get excited over two fucking men!!...Few months later I realized that I was attracted to men but I never really cared to question my sexuality.

My shift is over so I head out to the cafe to work my ass off again not that I'm complaining I love my jobs, I've made friends but I made a bestfriend.

As I walking in hearing the bell ding at the door I scan the small place but didn't see him where is he? I make my move toward the counter "Jinnie hyung!" I heard as I stumble upon the counter

"I missed you!" The long wavy black haired boy complained once again from his boxy shaped mouth

"Tae we saw each other yesterday"

"That was so long" he said with an adorable little pout

"Alright, alright let's go get change" I said as we head at the back to change and begin our work...

Later in the night I went home after saying my goodbye to Tae and the manager, she's a sweet woman who treats us like her brothers. I was exhausted, well every day I was. "Hobi!!!"

"Yeah, yeah I finished all my work you nagging old woman!" He yelled at me

Me?? a old nagging woman??! I need sleep.

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