Chapter 20

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HS's pov*

"Yo Jackson?" I called when I got to his building and saw him at his locker with a girl that had long black hair and pretty brown eyes.

"Unexpected for a Thursday to blow my sunshine in! What brings you here? It's been a while hasn't it?" He said directing his attention to me

Jackson and I have been friends since high school, we entered the same college but doesn't really get in contact because we study different majors so we never really talked after parting but we still have that bound.

"Yeah it has, hey can we have a little talk before we set off?"

"Yeah man sure thing"  he said after saying his goodbyes to the girl.

We reached outside and sat on a bench where it's sheltered by a big tree "so what'd you wanna talk about big shot?"

"So I'm the big shot? Okay, anyways you remember that rapper RM you told me about sometime back? Do you by any chance know where he works?" Yes I lied saying I knew where Namjoon worked

"Who Rap Monster yeah of course he works at XX underground club and I'm not supposed to tell but since I did shut your pretty mouth okay?, now why do you ask?"

"Ohhh nothing I just wanted to know and-" before I could continue I was cut off by the bell

"That's my cue pretty boy and hey let's hang out sometimes I missed your beautiful self"

"Stop treating me like a baby and maybe then I'll consider your offer"

"Then we'll never see each other again cutie" he joked as he walked off waving his hand and I made my way to my own building

"Hyung I'm home!" I shouted when I opened the door "HYUNG??!" I yelled after not having a reply

"What you twerp?"

"Let's go to a club get dressed" I ordered

"Excuse me? You not gonna be more detailed?" He questioned like I expected

"I'm looking for someone so are you coming?"


"What are we doing h-" just get out I said cutting him off

We walked up to the entrance pass our ID's and our ears were filled with music the second the door opened. The lights were colorful, the high reek of alcohol flowed into our systems, make out sessions every corner and the party never stops. I looked around hoping to find this RM guy that I had no idea what he looks like but got distracted by a familiar guy walking towards us or more like towards Jin and my assumption was right he went straight to him pulling him in by the waist and giving him a deep kiss not letting him go for a while and ignoring every human being possible "what are you doing here baby?" I barely managed to hear over the loud music... he saw me after turning back and smiled at me then pulling us at the back where it was more quiet and calm.

"Are you guys here to party?" Namjoon asked as he sat next to Jin with his hand on Jin's thigh and I was opposite them

"He dragged me here and I was surprised he knew about this club" Jin said

"What are you talking about? You knew about it?" I asked confused

"Of course I knew, Namjoon works here"

"Really? Then do you know RM or Rap Monster?" I blurted

"You dumbass he-" I heard Jin as he was cut off by Namjoon's hand squeezing his thigh

"Yeah I do. Why are you looking for him?" He asked earning a questionable look from Jin

"It's a long story I wanna talk to him"

"Then start talking" he this point I was confused as fuck and I was showing it as well

"Hobi! He's right in front of your fucking face!"

"Who Namjoon? What are you spitting?!"

"Yes Namjoon is RM dumb fuck"

"And how duh fuck was I suppose to know you piece of shit?" I said looking at Namjoon as he was enjoying hyung and I arguing

"Are you really RM?"

"Yeah I am, what you wanted to talk about?

"Well I have someone who wants to work with you if you don't mind having a conversation with him"

"Yeah sure I don't mind but who is it?ohh and my brothers would like to meet you guys so they planned a get together on Saturday if you guys don't mind and you can bring the person who wants to work with me and we can talk then"

"That's awesome we'll be there, let's  go Hobi" Jin said grabbing my attention

I couldn't even get to tell him who's the person

As we were getting up Jin was pulled back down now sitting in between on Namjoon's lap and once again kissing letting out moans and shit ewww.

"Hey" I heard Namjoon after breaking the kiss
"Don't ever say anything about RM inside or outside this club okay?"

I wonder why but "sure okay" I replied and he went connecting back their lips

I sighed and went out leaving the two love birds making out.
As I was standing by the door waiting a girl came up to me asking for my number damn she was hot, she had short black hair to her shoulders, wearing a body fitted red dress to her thighs that were showcasing her breast. I didn't give her my number instead I told her to wait for a minute as I got in back the room with the two still making out "Hyungs?" I called startling them as they break apart

"What!" Jin said all angry pftt

"Can you go home by yourself? I got a date"

"Yeah I'll drop him take your time" Namjoon said going back into a kiss as I took it as a way of saying "leave"
I got out and saw the girl waiting kindly...cute

"How about we go somewhere instead of my number?" I asked in a low serious tone as I leaned in her ears

We got in my car and pulled out in silence as I unbuckled my belt and gave her a merciless look and watched as she took it and leaned over unzipping my pants. She took me out and started stroking it with her tiny soft hands it's been a while since I've done these things...

It was hard focusing on the wheel already, then suddenly she started licking and slowly going down I couldn't take the tease so I tangled my fingers in her hair and shoved her down unexpectedly for her as I heard her gagging, I let go of her as she continued on her own and I found a hotel as I parked, I raised her up kissing her while fixing myself "get out" I ordered and she did as told.

We got in the hotel and booked a room it was quite fancy but wasn't too expensive. In the elevator she took me right there kissing me as she guided my hands to her ass. The elevator ding but she didn't give a fuck as she continued but when I looked up I saw Suga watching the action in pure disgust. I pushed her off and smirked at him pulling her out heading to the room with him taking our place in the elevator.
As I was fucking her into oblivion it was taking longer than I expected to cum then suddenly a thought of suga being under me instead of her, fucking him until he cries out my name crossed my mind what the fuckkk!!! I thought as I came from thinking about him. I pulled out and threw the condom away and left her on her own.

With suga under me? I must be fucking insane thinking about the impossible...I thought smiling

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