Chapter 29

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NJ's pov*

"You're all dressed up aren't you?"

"Namjoon, why'd you think I brought you?"

" be your translator"

" would you shut the fuck up?"

"Why? Cause your translator looks hotter?"

"I'll throw you off this plane"

"Good luck with that...rawrrrrrrr" I said teasing to annoy him

"Jokes aside...what's this function about?" I asked all curious because he just gave me orders that we're flying and I didn't ask questions...what an idiot

"It's about the share holders of companies and shit"

"So why'd we get invite?"

"To look rich and know?"

"You do realize we are rich right?"

"Nah sometimes I forget, I need these events to remind me"

"Man fuck you"

a few hours later*

"I guess those men are here for us"

"Yup let's go"

"This is the function? It's like a fucking club"

"Shut the fuck up and look for Lee Won"

I don't even know what the man looks like but okay..." Suga, hey man" we heard a voice called from behind...instead he found us...

"Hey man...been a while, this is RM the one I told you about"

"Ohh hey man heard a lot about you"

And I heard nothing about you... "it's nice to meet you Mr Lee"

"Ohh let me introduce you to my niece...come with me" the man said leading us through the crowd

"He's old" I whispered to Yoongi earning a funny look from his face

As we stopped at a woman and a man back facing us "this is my niece Yiwah" he said as the woman turned facing us with a glass in her hand and a pretty smile on her face. She was wearing a long black dress revealing her chest and her right leg as the split ran all the way up to her left thigh...

"Hi it's a pleasure to meet you...I'm Yoongi and this is Namjoon" Yoongi said introducing us as we both stretched our hands out to greet the woman... "and this is Seokjin" Mr Lee said continuing his introduction of the other person who was standing next to her but then It took a few seconds to realized the name as I watched the man slowly turned around...a part of me wanted it to be him because of how much I missed him but the bigger part don't want it to be him because of how much I hate matter how much I thought about it even from the back this person resembles him...

He was now facing me with a shocked expression, I was too for sure...he doesn't even look a slight different, he looks exactly like when I first met him at the hospital roof...we stared at each other as my heart began to pound, pain and the tears began to sting. I was so happy until he reached his left hand out
"Hi, I'm Jung Seokjin.." like nothing happened between us but it wasn't him pretending, it was what I saw on his finger...a wedding ring, is he married?
I stared at the ring and I didn't care if he saw me as he quickly noticed and swap hands for us to shake. At this point the tears felt seconds away

"Please excuse me. Yoongi, I'll leave the party to you" I said smiling and bowing and made my way out but heard him calling me...
I didn't know where to go but like all hotels it should have a bar and I need booze..

"Give me the strongest" I said to the bartender as I slumped on the seat with my head down watching as each drop of tears landed on the ground...

"Namjoon? Please let me explain"
"Please leave me alone"


"I SAID TO FUCKING LEAVE!" I yelled as I threw the glass on the floor catching everyone's attention...

"I want to explain Namjoon"

"Explain what Jung Seokjin? Explain what??The fact that you left me and got married to someone? The fact that you ditched and played with my feelings for you?? Jung Seokjin,... Do you realize how I've felt during these past two fucking years of my life? Do you know how much I've waited for you that day?? Did you know that every single day I would go in front of your apartment hoping to see the lights come on? Did you know that I constantly went to the cafe hoping that you'd show up working and serving me? Did you know how I constantly go back to the hospital and asked for you? Did you know how many times I went to the university asking for your brother? Did you know how I've  waited and hoping that you'd just show up for two seconds of my life just so that I can tell you how much I fucking love you? but you didn't give a shit did you? because you were out here fucking and being the happiest person alive whilst I was out there crying myself to sleep because of you...Did you even think about how your actions could have hurt me before you left? you just don't leave someone you love like that Seokjin! No matter how I much I tried convincing myself Jung Seokjin?, I hate you! I hate you so much that I don't even want to see you right now so please get the fuck away from me!!!" I cried as I said everything, I didn't care about who was standing and enjoying the show, I had to get everything out of my system...I got tired from my painful throat and heart and needed some fresh air as I got up ignoring his tears on his face but before I could leave he started talking behind me...

"Pfttt...happiest? Don't make me laugh think I did all of this because I wanted to? You think I had a fucking choice when they kidnapped fucking Jimin and threatened me? You think I wanted to leave you and get married to some random bitch because of money?? Even if I was so fucking selfish I wouldn't have gone to the extent to take Hoseok away from the man he loves Namjoon...Do you know the pain and struggles I've been through after I left Seoul?..." he stopped talking and I took the moment to recollect what he said...Jimin??
"I've missed you so much Namjoon so please even if it doesn't change anything please hear me out! I really want to tell you even if you won't want me anymore I still want to get rid of this one stress at least" he said in a soft tone sobbing

"What'd you say about Jimin" I asked getting curious as I turned and walked up to him...I didn't want to look at his face everything about him pisses me off right now with my teeth clenched I watched how he flinched and panicked like he's looking for a lie

"Huh?...nothing, forget about it" he said with a panicking look, he ran off

"Seokjin" I yelled and ran after him

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