Chapter 14

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HS's pov*

I couldn't stop myself from asking questions as we were heading to my dance classes and he just wouldn't answer me. I got out waving goodbye walking and huffing as my curiosity was growing I wanted to know!!

My classes were normal and tiring as usual, after three hours of dancing, my hair was stuck to my forehead and out of breath, then I remembered my hyung is supposed to collect me. I quickly pulled out my phone and sent him a message.
As I head down to the front he wasn't here as yet and i thought about my personal place I'd go to every Tuesdays and Thursdays but felt like going today even tho I didn't had my car and since I wanted to go and didn't want Jin hyung to know, I dialed his number and called to inform him, he didn't even left the house yet which was good but then I would've had to wait longer if I didn't thought about going to my place. Yes MY place!! Whenever I go I'd be the only person there probably because nobody else knew about it.

I wouldn't want to go if it wasn't walking distance and taking a cab would probably sell me out.

I plugged my phone with my earphones and hooked one to my ear as I walked on the main road with my dancing feet and head down. It took me at least 15 minutes to reach but I didn't mind...I took alot of turns which lead to the mountain area surrounded by trees and bushes taller than me.

When you look all you'd see is big ass bushes but if you choose your correct direction and part the tall bushes you'd see a path that was leading to my destination creative huh? Carefully I parted the bushes and jumped over so I don't smash the lower parts of the plants to leave evidence, which would be the only bushes that had a bent at the bottom. I walked through the path as the moonlight lead the way and when I reached there was a clear circle, wasn't too big but wasn't too small. There was a big tree to the left in which you could climb or lean on. At the bottom I carved my initials J.H.S, and the view when laying down looking up at the sky that's exactly what I came for. I had never came here during the day it was mostly in the night. But when I looked to my left there was someone already here looking at the beautiful night sky. Did they not hear me coming?

I walked over as quiet as I could and saw the person was sleeping with a book opened on his chest facing downwards. He was small, cute with pale skin, he looked peaceful and calm with the moonlight gazing on him, honestly he looks familiar. I leaned over where my head was directly over his face and watched as he was taking steady breaths in and out.

"Can I help you?" He asked with a deep cold voice as his eyes flashed open taking me by surprise as I panicked, lost control and fell on top of him. Our eyes were wide as we looked at each other and then felt an instant pain on my lips I thought I hit it on something when I looked down loosing eye contact I saw that our lips were connected I pulled away as I sat with my fibula flat on the ground and my palms on my thighs moving my upper body up and down as I continuously apologized over and over, but he didn't look that angry instead he sat up leaning back on the tree massaging his lips since it was probably hurting as well.

"Are you JHS?" He asked with his still deep voice and cold expression

"Y-ye-yes" I answered he probably saw the carving

"And what are you doing here I've never seen anyone around here before" he said and his voice just went deeper if that was possible

"I normally come on Tuesdays and Thursdays, I'm sorry if I interrupted you" I blurting out 'what is Jin hyung doing to me?' Im not some cute apologetic person like this at all...

"Indeed you did, now why don't you leave"

I got up ignoring him but I didn't leave, I went to the other side of the circle but it wasn't too far away from him as I sat back down to mind my own business.

"I said to leave not give me space"

"You don't own this place you know"

"I know that but you shouldn't have come on my days you twerp"

"Like I'm supposed to know when's your day"

"It's written on the tree you piece of shit" he raised his voice as we looked at each other

"Like I'm suppose to see that... and who the fuck are you calling a piece of shit? You dipshit?" I raised my voice back at him

"Don't you have torch on your phone?, don't you see it during the day?, how the fuck did you even carved your initials if you can't fucking see when it's written right above your stupid ass initials?"

"Listen here pip squeak I don't fucking come here during the day and I'm sorry if I was good when I followed my instincts and carved my initials on a damn tree!"

Before he could continue this stupid ass conversation I got up and pulled him up by his shirt and slamming his back onto the tree I heard as he let out a winched, he was shorter than I thought and I was being too nice and he pushed the wrong button. But when I looked at him, his expression didn't even changed, he wasn't even struggling to free himself from my grip, he wasn't scared at all...I smirked because that was a challenge worth taking up.

I let him go knowing damn well that he'd probably be here everyday except on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

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