Chapter 30

193 20 11

NJ's pov*

"Seokjin" I finally caught him by his collar as I pulled him and sat him on the bench, both of us out of breath...apparently we ran really far to end up at a park where it was dark and no one could really be seen... man he's fast...

"Jin? I don't want to be nice right now but you said you wanted to explain and now I'm listening so please don't leave out any details"

"I don't want to"

"YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CHOICE RIGHT NOW! WE'RE TALKING ABOUT MY FUCKING BROTHER FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!" I yelled with my hoarse voice earning a scared look from him
"Please Jin tell me why'd you leave" I pleaded with a soft tone almost calming down. Even though I hate him I still yearn for him so I might as well listen to his story

"I'm not married Namjoon..." he started "I'm engaged and I didn't leave on my own will..." he paused with a long sigh. I looked at him as he rest his head back on the bench with closed eyes and then continued...
"I was forced to, by my parents...that day we were heading over at your place but our parents came back and told us that we were going back with them but we refused...they knew we were gonna say no so before hand they kidnapped Jimin when he was at the store and threatened to hurt him if we don't go and since we knew they were capable of doing it, we gave in...after that we made sure they let him go but they didn't let him go freely, they had injected something in his body and made him promise to not talk...I'm really sorry I got your brother into trouble Namjoon, and I hope he's been doing just fine. If there's anything that's odd or wrong with him please let me know" I listened to him as his voice trembled and tears rolled down at the corner of his eyes...I can't help but think about the situation both him and my brother has been through all alone. I can't help but believe him and considering how late Jimin had reached home that day...I need to hear Jimin's side of this story and even if something was wrong with Jimin don't you think two years is a bit too late to tell you shit? I sat and continued to listened keenly to his choice of words...

"You could have still told me this Seokjin"

"How Namjoon? How? They took my phone, they kidnapped us actually, they locked us up from escaping and they kept threatening was best for me to do all of this"

"why'd they do it?"

"They don't want us to be together Namjoon. They are against me being gay and they're trying to marry me off to someone who is not you" he said as he leaned forward to his knees crying... I've always thought about my own feelings and how I've been hurt by his actions but I've never thought about his feelings and how he felt and that just makes me feel like a piece of shit because I was useless in the relationship...

"I'm sorry" I said... at this point I wanted to understand him and for him to open up to me..I wanted to forgive him if what he says is the truth

"Come here" I said opening my arms as he came in hugging me, I felt how tight he held me and how my chests were slowly becoming wet... that exact feeling from two years ago which I had whenever I embraced him, it's exactly how I feel right now. I've missed this human so much that at the moment I really don't want to let him slip away from me anymore, he's become such a big part of me that I don't want to let go, I love him so much...and I realized that being angry won't solve anything I just want him to give me another chance...

"Namjoon" he called with his face buried in my chest and voice muffled... "I wanted to tell you how proud I am seeing that you've achieved your dream as a rapper" he said after raising with snots and tears on his face sniffing
"You even wrote a song for me didn't you?" He said with a smiling face as he stayed in my arms

"How'd you know that?"

"It's quite obvious dummy"

"I've missed you Seokjin, I've missed you so much...Can't you leave your wife for me?"

"She's not my wife and I'd love to leave her if I could"

"Should I talk to your parents?"

"I wonder if you could if I couldn't"

After long seconds of thinking of an idea "I got one" he said with his index finger out indicating he got an idea

"What is it?" I asked out of curiosity

"Let's go"
As soon as we entered back in the party where he dragged us

"ATTENTION everyone!! As you all know I am the eldest son of the famous "Jung" family and I'll be getting married in two months time but before any of that bullshit...I'M GAY BITCHES!!! And so is my brother and we will not be continuing any family business...thank you" he blurted as everyone watched and listened to his every words, including Yoongi...

"THAT'S MY BABY!!! GO GET YO MANSSS TIGER!!!!" a girls voice echoed in the room as her tiny voice was filled with support...I recognized was Jiwah, Seokjin's fiancé...

Tiny whispers and gossips filled the room after his speech but none of that bothered him as I watched him going into the crowd towards Jiwah, taking her hands and giving her back the ring whispering something in her ears as her cheeks and ears grew bright red...

"AND THIS MAN RIGHT HERE IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE" jin said as he pulled me  into a deep unexpected kiss... but I wasn't focusing on the kiss I was focusing on the eyes on us as, many recognized me because of my career but the girls won't stop cheering us on whilst the elders were in disgust and that made my blood boiled as I pulled him in closer by his waist with his hands palming my face and continued the passionate moment of wet tongues gliding over each other and disgusted eyes bored into our skins...

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