What The Hell?

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The bell ran for P.E and Nathan changed as quickly as he could so he didn't get beat up. Everyone rushed towards the P.E teacher. "Class, we have a new student. Introduce yourself." said the P.E teacher.

The girl stood frozen there. Quiet and straight. She had dirty blonde hair with brown streaks going down her hair. She wore light blue jeans, and a red crop top. Her shoes were red vans and her nails were painted white. She had loop earrings on her ears. Her eyes were as blue as Nathan's. Very light and sparkly. So basically, she looked like a tumblr girl. "I'm Taylor. Taylor Manning." she said.

After P.E, Nathan sat on the brick wall where he usually sat until Zachary came to walk with him. Then Taylor walked over. "I know we haven't exactly met, besides me introducing myself but I wanted to know your name." she asked. "It's Nathan. Nathan Collins." Nathan responded. "Nice to meet you, Nathan. I honestly don't know where any of my classes are, could you help me out?" Taylor asked. "Of course." Nathan answered with a smile. She showed him her schedule. "Heh. Most of these classes are just like mine. Except our 6th period is different."Nathan said. "Cool. Off to lunch?" she said in a questioned tone. "Yep." He answered.

They both walked into lunch and got into the lunch line. Today was Macaroni Monday, which lots of kids hated. That didn't bother Nathan. After Nathan and Taylor got their lunch, Johnny and Lucas waved a friendly hand meaning to come sit. "Hey Nathan." Johnny greeted. "Hey guys. This is Taylor. She just started today." Nathan said. She waved. "It's nice to meet you, Taylor." Lucas smiled. Taylor smiled back. They both sat down and ate. Zachary walked into the room and glanced around the room. "So all three of you are gay?" Taylor asked eagerly. "Yes." All three of them responded. "Wow! I've always wanted gay friends. Not to be mean or anything." Taylor said. "It's cool." Johnny responded. Zachary found the four of them and sat next to Nathan. "Hey guys." Zachary said. Taylor stared at him. Johnny and Nathan rolled their eyes. "Hey Zac." Lucas greeted elbowing Johnny. Taylor laughed.

After that day, Zachary and Nathan walked home. "Who was that girl at lunch?" Zachary asked. "Her names Taylor Manning. She's a new student." Nathan responded. "Oh." Zachary said. Nathan rolled his eyes. "What's up with you guys and rolling your eyes?" Zachary teased. "You're very oblivious." Nathan laughed. "Oblivious? How?" Zachary asked. "Well, probably by the fact that she was checking you out." Nathan said. "She was?" Zachary said excitedly. Nathan exhaled deeply and slowly nodded. "I'm kidding Nathan." Zachary laughed. "Yeah, I know." Nathan sighed. Zachary picked up Nathan holding him as if he was a stuffed animal. "You'll always be my teddy bear." Zachary smiled. Nathan giggled and hugged Zachary.

The next day, Peter tripped Nathan but he didn't fall. Nathan purposefully stepped on his foot. Turned around and raised his fire fist. Just like yesterday, Taylor sat with the four of them. Taylor bit her lip and looked at Zachary. Zachary smiled and gave her a wink. Lucas, Nathan, and Johnny rolled their eyes.

After lunch, Taylor had the same class as Zachary. "Class, you're going to be given a 5 week project. You are to create a realistic looking Egyptian from your social studies class. You'll have the rest of your Christmas break to finish it. I suggest you start tomorrow. The project I student choice. " the English teacher said. Once 6th period was over, Taylor stopped Zachary. "Hey Zac." she said. "Oh hey Tay." Zachary answered. "I wanted to ask you something." she said. "Yeah? What's up?" Zachary asked. "Can I maybe come over today?" She asked. "Yeah sure." Zachary smiled.

They both walked home together. "Welcome Home Zachary and Na-" Ms. Pines stopped and noticed it wasn't Nathan that it was Taylor. "Hi Ms. Pines." Taylor said awkwardly. "Oh hello..."
"Hello Taylor."
"Well, we're going to start our Egyptian project." Zachary said.
"Okay. Call me if you need anything." Ms. Pines responded.
The both went upstairs and got out their work. Taylor took off her sweatshirt. Leaving herself with only a tank top. Zachary gulped. "So, I was thinking maybe we could-" Taylor pinned Zachary on the bed. She winked and unzipped his pants. "Wait what are you d-" Zachary stopped. Then inhaled and exhaled deeply.
Nathan knocked on the front door. "Oh hi Nathan." Ms. Pines greeted with a warm smile. "Hi Ms. Pines. How are you today?" He asked with a smile. "I'm doing great. Zachary's upstairs with Taylor."
Nathan twitched his right eye. "What's the matter Nathan?" She asked. "Oh it's nothing Ms. Pines." Nathan lied. Zachary closed his eyes and started breathing deeply. He closed his eyes. Taylor then kissed his lips and took off his shirt. Nathan opened the door. Wide eyed. His jaw dropped. "Am I interrupting something?!" Nathan yelled. He ran out the room. "Nathan!" Zachary screamed. He ran out zipping his pants and putting on his baggy sweatshirt. Taylor sat on the floor holding her knees to her face. Nathan ran towards his quiet spot. "NATHAN! Slow...down.!" Zachary yelled out of breathe. Nathan didn't stop running. He ran behind one of the trees and cried. "Nathan! Please come out! That wasn't what it looked like. Well it was, but I mean,, she just pushed me onto my bed. I couldn't hit her because she was a lady. But I should've. Please come out." Zachary pleaded. Nathan didn't come out. He stayed behind the tree. Zachary sighed. "If you're not coming out, then I'll just wait all night." Zachary said and sat on a log. Nathan didn't care. It started raining and became really windy that night. Nathan grabbed some leaves and wrapped himself in it. Zachary heard the noise and walked towards Nathan. He stared at him. He felt Nathan's cheek which was cold from the rain and wind. He took off his sweatshirt and put it around Nathan. Then he sighed. He watched Nathan sleep and stared at him. Then he kissed his lips. "Goodnight, Teddybear." Zachary said.

The next day, Nathan blinked a couple times and saw that Zachary was watching him sleep. He turned the other way. "Nathan, please let me explain." Zachary pleaded. "Nothing for you to explain." Nathan said. "Yes there is." Zachary argued. "Listen to me please." Zachary said. Nathan turned.

"Since day one, I've loved being around you. You're funny and adorable. My little Teddybear. I've never loved anyone this much to watch them overnight. Taylor means nothing to me. I'd never touch her like how I'd touch you. You mean more than she does. Even if we do break up I'll always love you. I know what has happened in the past, but now I realize that there's more to you that I don't know. More to you that I'll love. I've hurt you pretty bad enough for you to hate me but I really am sorry. Your eyes are as blue and pretty as the sky. Your smile, cheers me up every day. And your laugh. The most adorable laugh I've ever heard. She pinned me to the bed and wouldn't let me move. I'm sorry Nathan, please forgive me?" Zachary begged.

Nathan had tears in his eyes and nodded with a smile. He got up and hugged Zachary's back. Zachary hugged back. "I love you Zachary." Nathan whispered. "I love you too." He responded.

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