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A month passed but nothing happened. Nathan wasn't surprised. Taylor didn't show up that day which Nathan almost jumped out of his seat celebrating. But someone did. Yes, the slut.

She put her blonde hair into two pony tails. She wore black sneakers with black booty shorts. Her shirt was SO ripped, it didn't even look like a shirt. Lesson learned: Bitches be Crazy.

Every admired her clothing. Except Nathan and Zachary. Nathan didn't even look at her. "I'm surprised he hasn't dumped you yet." Brittany said chewing her gum and glancing at Zachary. "It's so cute when people like you try and ruin my day." Nathan said. "At least I'm not as gay as AIDS." Brittany said. "I could eat alphabet soup and shit out a smarter statement than that. Btw. Some women are born with natural beauty, you OBVIOUSLY know where you stand." Nathan snapped. Zachary's eyes widened and laughed. Brittany gave Nathan an evil look and went to her so called "clique". Everyone stared at Nathan. Most laughed at Brittany while a third of the class still laughed at Nathan. Nathan was glad he could finally let that out.

After the bell rang, Zachary ran over to Nathan. "Teddybear looked like he had an amazing time talking to Brittany." Zachary laughed. "Very fun." Nathan responded. "Today, I have a surprise for you. Wait by the lake near your Uncle's place, k?" Zachary asked. "Okay." Nathan said.

School went by and Nathan did as he was told and walked over to the lake after school. Zachary dashed to the nearest store. It was their month anniversary.

Nathan, still walking, got out his paper, pencil, and paint so he could finish his gift for Zachary. He bought him a tye-dye penny board.

Zachary glanced around the store. He couldn't quite think of what to get him. He remembered some of the things he said on the first day. AHA! 'Ill give him a-' Zachary stopped. Taylor tripped and fell on Zachary "Let me guess. That was an 'accident'?" Zachary said rolling his eyes. "Yes. Sadly it was." Taylor said. "What do you want? Your lucky he didn't leave me because of your stupid act." Zachary said in a harsh tone. "Yeah, I know. I actually didn't want to do that. I thought the opposite. Well I didn't." Taylor responded. "Then who did?" Zachary asked. "My sister. Brittany." Taylor answered. Zachary's eyes widened. "I don't like talking about this around people." Taylor whispered. Then she used her head and pointed at the janitor's closet. Zachary got up and followed. "Okay we're here. What was so-" The door locked. Zachary tried to open it. "Taylor open the fucking door, it's not funny." Zachary yelled. "I know it isn't." Brittany said coming out of a dark shadow. "Dammit." Zachary panicked. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you. You'll enjoy my presence." Brittany laughed. "What is that even suppose to mean?" Zachary said puzzled. She pushed him on a table and unclothed him. He tried to fight back but she grabbed his arms. He was in nothing but his boxers. She locked him from his arms to his feet. "You don't know how long I've waited to do this. Brittany winked. "Why do girls have to like me." Zachary cried.

She went straight to his lips and sliding her hands on his chest he turned but then she followed. She lowered her hand almost to his dick and rubbed the top of his boxers. Brittany licked his chest until she could almost see her reflection on it. "Stop." Zachary whispered. "Aww. I'm just getting started." Brittany replied with a laugh. She grabbed his penis and began to rub up and down. She shook it every other rub. Faster and faster she rubbed it.

Nathan got to the lake but didn't see Zachary. "Luckily I can finish this painting." Nathan said happily. Then a noise echoed in the woods. Nathan turned but didn't see anything. Then it made the same noise. "Zac?" Nathan asked. Nathan walked towards the noise and then jumped out Johnny and Lucas. "Heeeey Nathan." They both laughed. "Funny." Nathan said rolling his eyes. "Watcha doin by the lake?" Lucas asked. "Waiting for Zac." Nathan replied. "Oh yeah! It's your month-aversary right?" Johnny asked. "Mhm." Nathan said. "Aww. You're excited to see his gift aren't you?" Lucas teased. Nathan turned red. "Maybe." He responded. Johnny and Lucas laughed. Then Johnny and Lucas jumped in the lake.

Meanwhile back at the janitor's closet, Zachary blacked out. Brittany continued but this time, she sucked instead of rubbed. Then, the flash of a camera was made. "Sleep tight, Zac." Brittany said and kissed his lips. After about an hour and a half, Zachary woke up. He was free and put back on his clothes. Taylor came in. "I swear to god. If you say one more word, I'll ducking kill you." Zachary said. He began to cry. Taylor walked out. 'How do I tell him. Wait a second, A GUITAR!' Zachary thought to himself. He ran out of the room and looked for a guitar. All he saw was a ukulele. 'I hope he likes this'.

Johnny and Lucas kept slashing Nathan. "What are you waiting for. Jump in!" Lucas shouted. "No thanks. I'm waiting for Zachary." Nathan replied. "Suit yourself." Lucas laughed.

After an hour Lucas and Johnny waved goodbye to Nathan. The sun began to set. Nathan already finished his painting and was curious of where Zachary was. He stood there, watching the sunset, alone. Then he looked down wondering if this was just a joke. Zachary ran to the woods and saw Nathan. Then he tip-toed to Nathan hiding the present. Once he got close enough, he grabbed Nathan by the waist and spinned him around. Nathan almost jumped.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." Nathan laughed. "I'd die if I did." Zachary replied. He kissed Nathan on the cheek. Nathan have him his present. "A pennyboard!!? Thanks Nathan!" Zachary said excitedly. "And the drawing." Nathan added. The picture showed the two of them riding away into the sunset. Nathan thought it was pretty childish but he made it anyway.

Zachary have Nathan his gift. "I couldn't find a guitar, this was the only thing that was there. I'm sorry Nathan." Zachary said with a sad tone. "A ukulele isn't as heavy as a guitar. Thank you Zachary." Nathan said. "You can play right?" Zachary asked. "Yes. I think." Nathan answered. "Play for me." Zachary said.


Afterwards, they kissed on the dock.

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