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Nathan walked home from the dock and close the door. He smiled and exhaled heavily. "What's got you so happy?" Mr. Collins teased. "Nothing." Nathan lied. "You can't fool me with that answer." said Mr. Collins.
"We just exchanged gifts that's all."
"Then what happened afterwards?"
"We kissed. Happy?"

Nathan practiced learning a love song on the ukulele. He was going a little overboard when he realized why he was practicing. Nathan was practicing for when they get engaged. Then he realized that they were only in their first year of Highschool. He didn't care. He was going to perform it sooner than later.

Zachary on the other hand was freaking out. He was sent a text from his ex-girlfriend, Brittany, talking about what happened in the janitor's closet. She told him that he sent it to everyone in school so he'll find out eventually. "This is what happens when you break up with me." Brittany said. 'If Nathan finds out, he'll leave me. But if I tell him, he'll still leave me!' Zachary thought. His mother came into the room. "Zachary what's the matter?" Ms. Pines asked.
"I'm hiding something from Nathan."
"He'll freak out and take it the wrong way."
"How terrible is this secret?"
"Let's just say it has to do with cheating."
"No, this was not my fault. She pinned me on a table!"
"Well you'll have to tell him now!"
"I have to. She's already sent a video."
"Tell him today, Zac."
"What if he leaves me?"
Zachary began to cry. He couldn't help to think about what Nathan would do. Nathan may seem as a small shy kid, but the words "we're done," haunt Zachary's mind. He couldn't stop himself. He balled for an hour and a half.

The next day, everyone was waving at Nathan. "Nathan, you're okay right?" A random girl asked. "Uhm. Yes? Why do you ask?" He said puzzled. "Well, it's because of this." she showed him the video of Zachary and Brittany. Nathan almost burned the phone. He stormed to the lunch room with his head down and his hands in his pockets.

Zachary was behind the school talking to himself in a mirror. 'Its obvious that he'll leave you. You pathetic loser.' he said to himself. Then he sighed an walked in. Zachary sat down in a chair facing Nathan. Nathan tried to not show any emotion. He knew what he had to do. "Hey Nathan, what's up?" Zachary asked awkwardly. "You know the usual. I just watched a video of a guy that looked just like you fucking with a slut." Nathan answered.
"But you saw that I was pinned on a table right? It wasn't my fault!"
"Then whose is it?"
"Nathan, it was obviously hers."
"You say that all the time. When are you ever going to decide that people change. You can't expect people that you hate to become nice again. You were tricked how many times now?"
"Fucking answer me Zachary."
"A lot."
"Then what do you expect me to do? I can't go back in time and stop what I did."
"Weird. You said 'what I did'. So it was your fault."
"No! Wait! I didn't mean to say it like that. I meant-"
"Honestly I don't care. I just think that we should be apart for a while."
"Nathan, what the hell?! It's not even my fault!"
"Yes, but that doesn't matter. This has happened too many times."
"But none of them were my fault."
"Now that's just getting annoying. I thought that you would take relationships like this seriously but I see what I needed was what I don't need."
"You're leaving me?"
Zachary flipped the table.
"Same here, slut."
"At least I'm not a crazy fire lunatic. Yes that's right. Your secret isn't much of a secret once it's told to EVERYONE IN THIS FUCKING ROOM."
"What fire?" A jock asked.
Zachary grabbed Nathan's arm and bent it until he could feel and hear it cracking uncomfortably. Then, Nathan went full on fire mode.
"That fire." Zachary said.
Everyone stared at Nathan. Zachary didn't care.
"Fire maniac! Stay away from us!" Everyone shouted. Zachary shouted with you.
"I HATE YOU!" Nathan shouted.
"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" Zachary yelled back.
Nathan ran. Not like he used to. This time he ran out and almost for good.
"Well it's about time you left him." Peter cheered.
"I don't want to be gay. I'll never be gay. I don't need gays. Gays are DEAD TO ME! You were right Peter." Zachary said.

Nathan, still running, had tears falling down his face. He needed to calm down. He was breathing heavily. He could barely run but he continued until he reached the woods. Once he got there, opened is backpack and dumped all the drawings he could find. He thought of ripping it bit just kicked it aside. He rolled on his side and cried. Uncle Bent was watching. 'That boy better wish for an ambulance with him at all times.' Uncle Bent whispered to himself.

Johnny and Lucas walked into the lunch room. "What the hell?! What happened, Zac?" Johnny asked.
Zachary walked up to him and punch him on the cheek. "That's what happened." Zachary answered. "Was that some old 90's movie answer?" Lucas asked. "You know, I learned something today. I don't need and like gays. I was gay once and never will be again. So watch it, because I'm not the friend you'll see me as once you ask me stupid questions." Zachary said. "WHERE'S NATHAN!" Lucas yelled. "Going to be drowned to death once we find him." Zachary laughed. Lucas pulled up Johnny and they ran to the woods. Once they got there, they saw Nathan crying on the floor. "Nathan?" Lucas asked.
"Oh Lucas. What do you need?"
"You to get up."
"No. I'm staying here."
Johnny interfered. "Look, Nathan. Zachary is looking for you. Not in a good way. He wants to drown you to death! So we have to leave right now!" Johnny yelled.
"Let him."
Just then Zachary and Peter's friends showed up. "Well well. Wasn't it obvious that you would be here?" Zachary laughed.
"Get away from him, you DEVIL!" Lucas shouted.
"I think not." Mike said.
"You better watch it. Because we're not afraid of pussys like you."
"We'll see." Peter winked.
They all charged for Nathan. A few beat up Johnny and Lucas but it want only until fifteen minutes after it started.
"Hope you find hell the best place ever, homo." Zachary laughed.
After 10 seconds, Nathan was dropped into the river and shoved down being held down by all of the guys. Nathan tried to go up but he couldn't. Then once it was 2 minutes he pretended as if he died. "Finally." Peter said giving everyone a high-five. Once they left Zachary stayed. He watched Nathan. Then afterwards, walked home.

Nathan popped up. Johnny and Lucas were bruised all over the place. "NATHAN! YOU'RE ALOVE?!!" Lucas yelled. "Shh. Sadly yes." He responded.
"I wasn't afraid to die. I didn't want to but I wasn't afraid."
"I'm sorry Nathan. Zachary shouldn't have reacted like that over a temporary break."
"It's not temporary anymore. It's for good."
Nathan rubbed his watery eyes. Lucas hugged him. "I think we need to carry Johnny." Lucas said.
The two of them carried Johnny home and Nathan walked home. Once he walked in, his parents had tears in their eyes. "Was it true?" They both asked. "Yes." Nathan responded.

Zachary walked home happily and waved goodbye to his friends. He found a rock and threw it at Nathan's window which hit Nathan. He walked inside seeing his mom faced down on the table. "Oh. Hello Zac." she greeted. "Did you tell Nathan?"
"Nope." Zachary answered.
"Then what happened?"
"He blamed me for everything so I stopped him before he could say 'good bye forever.' But it's cool now. It's not like he's alive."
"Not only me, mom."
His mother dialed the Collins. She talked and asks them questions. The. She hung up.
"He's still alive."
"What's do you mean what!? You actually wanted him to die?!"
"Yes mom. I was sick and tired of him telling me what to do!"
"Is he telling you what to do, or you are. Remember what you said in the beginning? Remember everything that he did with you. Always forgiving everything that you did. And now when it's been too much for him you decide to try and kill him. That's not what my son would do."
She walked out and into her room.
Zachary walked upstairs and thought about what his mom said. Then he remembered the day that Nathan first kissed him. Everything that he loved he did with Nathan. Tears ran down his face. 'What have I done?' He thought.

Nathan walked out at 12 am and glided from side to side trying to stay straight. But the wind was blowing hard. Zachary ran over to his house and looked asked for him. "He's probably in the river like what you wanted to happen." Mrs. Collins answered. Zachary kept looking around until he finally saw him. He was walking on a green light. "NATHAN DONT DO IT!" Zachary shouted. It was too late, he already got hit.

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