Part 2

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Years later (naruto had their kid)(he's 10)


Naruto: Menma come down breakfast is ready

Sup It's me again only not just me but  the light of my life. He should be coming down the stairs any second. There he is, my little menma!

Menma: mom what's for breakfast!

Naruto: How about u guess

I watched as menma started guessing things like pancakes, cereal, eggs with bacon, or waffles. The next thing I see is his face light up with excitement.

Menma: Is it ramen with tomatoes

Naruto: No

Menmas face turned from happy to sad within seconds. I felt  bad so I decided to tell the him the truth

Naruto: Yes

Menma: yyyyaaaayyyy!!!!!!

Naruto: (gasp) did u hear that

Menma: no what is it (whispering)


I start tickling Menma. Hearing his cute laugh. His laugh is the best

And that was a little game I like to play with menma. I call it the "gasp and scare" haha u get it cause I gasped then scare him tickling him until he admits defeat. Oh man I'm hilarious!

Menma: (laughing) st-stop hahaha

Naruto: Okay okay come on lets eat

We sat at the table me eating ramen without tomatoes. (Obviously it's disgusting, but I don't tell Menma that)

Naruto: After your finished eating u need to take a bath and get ready for school

Menma: do I ha-

Naruto: Yes now hurry up or you'll be late

After Menma was done I walked him to the bus stop making sure he was safe. I watched the bus leave then turned around walking back home thinking of the things I had to do today.

Today I need to get more groceries for the house. I guess I'll pay bills tomorrow.

When I get back home I change into some clothes that are actually fit to go to the store. Ever since I gave birth to menma. My ass has gotten bigger and I've diveluped a feminine body. Oh...wait.... we're off track anyway....once I got to the store two familiar faces came into view. Kiba and Hinata were here.

Naruto: Hi guys

Both : hi naruto

Hinata: how's your son

Naruto: he's fine how about y'all's

Hinata: Good

Kiba: have u talked to sasuke

Honestly I wanted to punch kiba for bringing that bastard up. Everytime time I hear his name It hurts me. I try not to let it get to me especially when menma is around. I think Hinata could tell my attitude changed when he said his name because she started yelling at kiba.

Hinata: KIBA!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!

Naruto: no it's fine Hinata

Kiba: so have u

Naruto: no how could I

Kiba: u know your son's going to end up asking about him

Naruto: ye-

Hinata: Kiba I think that's enough let's talk about something else

In that moment I was thanking God for putting Hinata on this earth. She saved kiba from getting an ass beating!

Kiba: fine

We continue talking and shopping but sadly we had to part our ways

Hinata: bye


Naruto: bye hehe

I go home and start putting the groceries up when my alarm goes off to get Menma. I started to quickly put the rest of it up. Once I'm done I decided that I would walk to get Menma. After I arrived at the school I waited for Menma

Menma: hi mom

Naruto: hi u ready to walk home again

Menma: yea

We started walking home but I decided we would take the longer route for exercise.

Naruto: how was school

Menma: lame as always

Naruto: really

Menma: believe it

We were walking when suddenly someone grabbed us shoving us in a dark ally way.

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