Part 8

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Sasuke's pov

Me and naruto were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie while Menma was in his room playing

Sasuke: hey naru

Naruto: hm

Sasuke: let's do i-

I was going to ask naruto for something when Menma came in the living room

Menma: dad can u make me some food

I get up to go to the kitchen with Menma but before I enter the kitchen I turn to look at naruto. His face was as red as a tomato. Menma was pulling me so I had no choice but to walk. But seeing naruto's face as red as it was made me laugh. Then I heard naruto start yelling at me.

Naruto: shut up sasuke

Sasuke: (laughing)

Menma: dad can u make me ramen with tomatoes

Sasuke: what is that?

Asking that question Menma looked at me like I had two heads

Menma: u don't know what ramen with tomatoes are

Sasuke: no is that bad?

Menma: yes it is u have to try it

He was about to call naruto when I cut him off having a idea

Sasuke: Menma do u want a sibling

He turned to me eyes sparkling. I was trying to stop myself from laughing at that point as I picture Menma telling naruto he wanted siblings

Menma: YEAH!!!!!!

I wasn't expecting him to scream but what can I say when he's also naruto's kid.

Menma: WHEN!!!!! WHEN CA-

From Menma screaming naruto came running the kitchen

Naruto: what? What's wrong? Are y'all okay?


I watch as naruto's face turns red again then he looks at me with big eyes


Sasuke: what I didn't say anything right Menma

Menma: MOMMY PLEASE!!!!!!!

Naruto: u had to of did somthing sasuke Menma I don't know that'll take a wh-

Menma: mommy

I watch as Menma made the most adorable pouty face u could ever see knowing that face he just made could make even me get him what he wants I knew naruto was going to let him have his way

Naruto: Menma stop making that face

Menma: but mommy

Naruto: fine fine

Menma: YAYYYYYY!!!!!!!

I started smiling knowing we were going to have fun later

Naruto: but your going to have to w-

Menma: mommy can u make daddy some ramen with tomatoes

Naruto: yea but me and your dad's going to have a talk so I need u to get the supplies out okay

Naruto grabs my wrist while walking out the kitchen

Naruto: what the hell sasuke why would u do that

Sasuke: because

Naruto: we can't even do anything Menma will hear

Sasuke: all u have to do is be quite

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