Part 7

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Menma's pov

I really want mommy and daddy to get back together. I've never really wanted to have a dad but I want sasuke to try and show me what a dad is. I mean he is my dad so. I decided to tell mommy what daddy and uncle tachi told me.

Menma: hey mommy

Naruto: hm

Menma: why don't u get back with dad

Saying that think kinda messed something up cause he stopped walking and didn't even blink. I tried that while he stood there and hurt my eyes. Then he turned to me.

Naruto: what the hell did he do to u

Menma: nothing

Naruto: your lieing

Menma: no I'm not

Naruto: yes u are

We continue arguing and walking back home once inside I got mad and yelled at mom.

Menma: He didn't do anything!

Naruto: what do you mean

Menma: I- well I bugged him until he told me.....He broke up with you because of grandpa. Grandpa threatened to kill you if he didn't leave you. He had to make up an excuse, Daddy might not have thought of the best one but it could've been worse. Daddy loves us mommy can't you see that?

He just stood there in shock while I cover my mouth with my hands realizing what I just said. I didn't mean to get mad and say it. I was going to tell him in a calm manner. I was going to approach the matter slow. He then fell to his knees looking at the floor. I looked at his face to see that he was crying so I decided to go up to him and hug him. I started crying to because I don't like seeing mommy cry and letting my anger get the best of me.

Menma: I'm sorry mommy I didn't mean to yell I was going to approach the matter slow and in a calm manner I'm really sorry mommy please forgive me

He didn't answer it was just silence that came. The only thing u could hear were our sniffles. I continue hugging mommy hoping I didn't upset him to much. When I thought I made him upset to the point he didn't want to talk to he spoke.

Naruto: your as smart as your dad I see

All I do is look at him. I see him looking at the ground with the softest  smile I ever seen him make.

Naruto: if that's true why didn't he come today and tell me

Menma: cause daddy got hurt protecting me

Naruto: w-what

Menma: daddy had something to do so he left me with uncle tachi and uncle tachi helped me understand things I didn't and when uncle tachi was going to make me somthing to eat daddy busted through the door(I started crying) daddy was bleeding on his arm and side (I covered my mouth with my hands remembering daddy hurt) then a sn-snake looking m-man came..........he tried to take me so daddy and uncle did somthing but I don't know what they did because kakashi and iruka came and kakashi took his eye patch out and I blacked out but before I blacked out daddy and uncles eyes were red they were laughing

Naruto: so Itachi was there

Menma: mommy

Naruto: yes sweety

Menma: there laugh was really scary

Naruto: (giggling)

Menma: it wasn't as scary as when your mad though

Naruto: (laughing)

He started laughing to the point he looked like he was about to cry.

Menma: mommy stop laughing it's not funny

Naruto: (laughing)

Menma: momm-

When I was about to pout there was a nock on the door so mommy got up to answer it

Naruto: can I he-

I watched as mommy's eyes got big then he put his hands over his face.

???: Can I come in please

I know that voice. Who can it be? Then I realized.

Menma: DADDY!!!!!

I got up and and ran to sasuke.

Sasuke: ow

Menma: I'm glad your okay daddy

Sasuke: I'm just glad y'all are okay

Menma: (giggles)

I turn to mommy to see him smiling. So I smiled the famous uzumaki smile. Then daddy stood up. So I grabbed his hand and dragged him inside to the couch. Once he was seated I ran to mommy as he was closing the door.

Menma: come on mommy

I then grabbed his hand and dragged him to the couch by daddy. I then sat in-between them.

Sasuke: can we talk

Naruto: um sure Menma go to your room

I run to the room hoping there talk would help there relationship

Naruto's pov

I sat there by sasuke hoping Menma wasn't lieing

Sasuke: I wanted to tell u the truth to why I left u

Naruto: I'm listening

He started explaining that he broke up with me because of his dad. After he was done explaining he started saying that he didn't want to leave me and that he loved me and out of happiness I put my hand around his neck and kissed him. He didn't kiss back at first so I was worried but then he kissed back giving me a passionate one. We parted hearing Menma.

Menma: ew

Both: laughing

He then came running to us and jumped on my lap

Menma: I love u guys

Naruto: love u too

Sasuke: um

We then both turn to sasuke. I looked at Menma hoping he wasn't sad but he was just fine. I then realized sasuke never really had anyone say "I love u" he only ever said it to me.

Sasuke: I love u too

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