Part 5

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Menma's pov

Menma: okay so your Sasuke's brother

Itachi: I'm your dad's brother

Menma: hn I don't call him that

Itachi: u know u only have one set of parents so if I were u I would love him as much as u love naruto I know he can be a little piece of shit but he loves u and naruto

Menma: then why didn't he just ignore his dad and stay with us

Itachi: listen he would've of done that if your grandpa didn't threaten to kill naruto your dad didn't want to risk it so he did what any other person would do

Menma: why did grandpa do that

Itachi: grandpa had his reasons but no one knows what they are but sasuke still loved our dad no matter what

Menma: why when he did that

Itachi: when I say love your parents cause u only get one pair do u know what I mean

Menma: no not really

Itachi: I say that because when me and sasuke were around your age our parents died and I almost died with them but I didn't without my parents it was hard, me and sasuke had to do things on our own does naruto cook and clean for u and do alot

Menma: yea

Itachi: well me and sasuke had to cook for ourselves I had to work and sasuke too we struggled our whole lives because we had no mother or father u have naruto and sasuke without them what do u have

Menma: nothing

Itachi: exactly me and sasuke didn't have nothing do u like school

Menma: no

Itachi: well me and sasuke didn't either so we dropped out look where that got us where in gangs we have to fight people, hell we even have to kill people, sometimes even have to run because people tried to kill us. If we would've stayed in school we wouldn't be in gangs sasuke could've lived in a huge house with u and naruto, but we dropped out didn't even go to college. Those are just a couple of examples, so u see love your parents. Your parents are what help u, they push u to be something in the world, they love u when no else will, they will be there for u no matter what! Yeah some parents such as our dad doesn't support everything that we do such as your mom and dads relationship but deep down we know he cared for us that's why we're alive if he didn't want us in the world he wouldn't have called upon the little fairy's that bring baby's and put them in your mother's stomach but he did so u have to be great full for your parents and love them till there gone okay.

Menma: okay thank u uncle tachi

Itachi: yea I prefer for u to call me your little name then the one I gave u I love u

Menma: I love u too

Saying those words made me feel better I've never said that to anyone except my mom. I hope dad isn't mad I hope he comes back safe too

Itachi: okay so what do u wanna eat

Menma: can I ha-

Suddenly sasuke comes barging in

Itachi: u idiot what the hell when I said come back I meant come back safe and not harmed!

I was wondering why he said that because he had his hand over my eyes then I heard a loud sound then a ugh from my dad. Scared I tried to pry my uncle's hand off my face but unfortunately I couldn't.

Menma: uncle st-

Sasuke: damn it take menma somewhere

Finally able to pry itachi's hand off I see my dad blood on his side and shoulder it looked like he'd been shot. I turn to see a werid looking man that reminded me of a snake especially because of his tongue

Menma: No I don't wanna leave u dad

I look towards him only to see him in complete shock then he smiled a little smile but the smile disappeared quickly because of the guy behind me

Sasuke: Orochimaru!!!!

Orochimaru: oh what a sweet looking thing I want it give me the kid



Hearing there laugh I realized that was the 2 scariest thing that I'll ever hear. Then suddenly both there eyes change to a bloody red but uncle Itachi's had a different symbol in his eye

Itachi: Your funny for a dead man

Sasuke: Your not taking my child I'll kill u before u get the chance

Suddenly two different people appeared in front of me I looked up to see it was iruka and kakashi but before I could say anything kakashi had removed his eye patch to reveal the same eye as my dad and uncle then I blacked out. When I awoke I was in a bed with my dad laying next to me. Knowing that he was safe made me feel relief as I remembered last night's events. I cuddle more into sasuke only to hear a grunt from him. I quickly move remembering that he had been hurt on his side.

Menma: Are u okay

Sasuke: I'm fine Menma

Menma: when can we see mommy

Sasuke: tomorrow he'll be released then we can see him

Menma: then u can tell him the truth

Sasuke: No

Menma: why

Sasuke: even if I did he wouldn't wanna get back with me I'm sorry Menma it just can't happen

Menma: can u at least try dad please

Sasuke: ugh fine

Menma: YAY!!!!!

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