Part 10

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Sasuke's pov

Naruto: (moaning)

Sasuke: damn naruto when did u get so tight

Naruto: r-right there sasuke

I was about to pick up the speed when naruto's phone started ringing. I pulled out only to hear a naruto start pouting.

Sasuke: hold on....what do u want mutt

Kiba: dammit don't call me that right know I'm pissed u need to get down here right know!!!!

I look at naruto to see him looking at me worried

Naruto: kiba's never sounded like that

Me and naruto start rushing trying to find our clothes while kiba's still on the phone

Kiba: what the hell (crying)

Sasuke: what the hell is going on

Kiba: that stupid bitch took them (crying)

I watch as naruto is frustrated trying to find the keys

Naruto: dammit

Sasuke: what the hell do u mean

Naruto: found it

We rush down stairs to get to the car once in the car I speed off while naruto was talking to kiba on the phone

Kiba: FUCK!!!!

Naruto: kiba what's happening I need u to tell me please

Hinata: naruto that bitch Sakura from middle school took tei and Menma

Hearing that I turn to naruto to see his eyes wide tears running down his face. I quickly turn back to the road not wanting to crash

Naruto: I swear hinata if your fucking with m-

Hinata: I-

Naruto: when I get there Menma better be there safe I don't give a fuck about anything else hinata I swear if my baby's not safe I'm going t-

U could tell naruto was pissed I've never seen him this mad before. He's never threatened hinata.

Sasuke: naruto calm down

Naruto: No sasuke my baby could be hurt why the hell would I do that!!!!

Sasuke: Menma wouldn't want u to be like this

Naruto: don't u dare put his name in your mouth u weren't even there for him for fucking 11 years u have no right to even be calling him your son u piece of shit I fucking wish u would die and leave me and Menma alone why the hell did u have to come into the picture ever since u got here me and menma's life's have been nothing but hell

I just sat there letting him yell at me realizing everything he said was true once we got there he was still yelling at me so I got out the car

Naruto: where the hell do u think your going I'm not done

Kiba: why are y'all fighting right now

I didn't answer him all I did was walk away and grab my phone out

Kakashi: what I'm no-

Sasuke: is garra there

Kakashi: uh yeah

Sasuke: put him on the damn phone

Garra: hello

Sasuke: get everyone together

Garra: why

Sasuke: I'm about to kill a bitch

Garra: okay

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