Part 9

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Sasuke's pov

Oh hell no I'm going to kill this kid. before I was able to do anything naruto called me

Kiba: well he's calling u

Sasuke: yea uh h-

I sorted walking up the stairs until Menma started talking

Menma: bye daddy

Sasuke: what the hell wait u be-

I couldn't finish my sentence cause they were already gone I started stomping to the front door until naruto grabbed my hand

Naruto: uh sasuke what are u doing where did they go

Sasuke: I'm going to kill there son

Naruto: what no

Sasuke: he's not aloud to be by him I don't like the way he looked at him like he was a snack he will not touch him

Naruto: sasuke there just kids

Sasuke: how old is that little fucker anyway who does he thin-

Naruto: sasuke didn't u have him leave so we can have fun

Sasuke: yes bu-

I couldn't finish my sentence as naruto smashed our lips together

Menma's pov

I looked out the window as we drive away

Tei: hey I've never met u before

Kiba: oh that's right he hasn't either

Hinata: hi my name is hinata

Menma: um hi

Kiba: little dude u can call me uncle kiba and that's our son tei

Menma: um okay

I feel something on my thigh so I looked down to see it was a hand I looked at the person it belonged to and blushed

Tei: your a cutie

Menma: u-um thank u

Tei: why are u thanking me

Menma: a-am I not supposed too

Tei: no

Hinata: okay where here

I turned to look out the window to see a huge house.

Menma: woah

Tei: come on

I look at tei to see him holding his hand out so I shyly take it.

Tei: I beg our house is the biggest house you've ever seen

Menma: no my dad's house is bigger way bigger

Tei: what

Menma: y-yeah

We walk in the door and all I smell is dog I didn't want to be mean so I tried to hold my breath but that didn't turn out right

Kiba: tei take him to play with u in your room

Tei: okay

He dragged me to what I assum is his room but before we enter uncle kiba says something

Kiba: if u think u hear something it's just your imagination

Hinata: kiba!!!!

Tei: okay

He pulled me in his room and shuts the door. Once the door was shut he pinned me to the door

Menma: w-what are u doing

Tei: since mom and dad are aloud to have fun let's have some fun too

Menma: wh-

I wasn't able to finish cause he smashed our lips together while putting his leg in between mine

Menma: hm

He stopped because we had to breath then he started wispering in my ear

Tei: u wanna do some math

Menma: u-um

Tei: let's subtract our clothes

He started taking off my shirt and kissing my neck. I wanted him to stop it felt so werid.

Menma: p-pl-please stop

He didn't listen he just started kissing down my stomach

Tei: then we can divide your legs

He then starts taking my pants off after they were off he started grabbing a hold of my boxers when a loud sound came

Tei: What the hell

Someone grabbed my arm but I didn't panick at first thinking it was tei but it was a girl with pink hair she was really pretty

???: so your that ugly nerds son

Menma: let go

Tei: BYAKUGAN!!!!!

???: u peace of shit that hurt

The women suddenly grabbed on to him nocking him out

Menma: h-hey let go of him

???: Don't u dare tell me what to do

She then grabs a hold of me knocking me out

Kiba: what the he- TEI!!!!

Hinata: SAKURA!!!! WHAT THE HELL!!!!

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