Part 4

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Menma's pov

Sasuke: what happend where's naruto

Feeling like it's my so called dad's fault for mommy being in the hospital I don't answer him. All I do is turn my head looking the other way sticking my bottom lip out.( I don't really know why I do that but mommy calls it a habit)

Sasuke: I'm talking to y-

Doctor: u can see him now if u like

Hearing the man say those words made me feel a tiny bit better. I wanted to see my mommy the moment after those guys busted in the doors and took him away.

Sasuke: can we both go in there

Doctor: yea

Sasuke reaches for my hand but I snatch it away not even wanting him to be around me.

Menma: hn

Sasuke: why do u have to have a lot of my family's attitude

Once we got to the room I ran to my mom and started crying. Seeing him in a hospital bed made me sad.

Menma: mommy~ (crying)

Naruto: baby stop crying mommy's okay

Menma: b-but u were bl-bl-bleeding (crying)

After saying that I seen mommy's face turn sadder then it already was

Naruto: Menma listen I don't know how long I'll be in here so your going to live with your dad till I get better

No I don't want to stay with that bastard he's the reason why all of this is happening. We were perfectly fine until he came in the picture. Why can't it go back to just me and u. Why can't mommy just get out of the hospital so he can cook me dinner like always. I hate Sasuke so much why can't he just leave us alone.

Menma: NO!!! I wanna stay here with u

Naruto: Menma list-

Sasuke: naruto why didn't u just tell me what was wrong

Menma: hn

Naruto: i-

Menma: u stupid bastard your the reason mommy can't make me dinner. Your the reason why mommy is in the hospital. Why can't u ju-

Naruto: MENMA!! That's enough

Why? Why can't mommy just take care of me here. I don't wanna go with him.

Naruto: Sasuke take care of him and leave

Sasuke: I'm sorry

Sasuke grabs my arm pulling me out the hospital to his car.

Sasuke: why did it have to be like this (thinking)

The care ride was longer then I wished for. The only good thing about it was that He didn't try talking to me.

Sasuke: this is akward (thinking)

Once he says we're here I look outside to see a large building. The building looked really dark and depressing compared to mommy's. Sasuke gets out the car and I follow. When he opens the door all u can see is lots of men rushing around the room. Some of them have guns. Scared I grabbed Sasuke's arm hiding behind him. (Though I still don't like him)

???: Sir Zabuza tried to attack Gar-

Sasuke: we can't talk right now

???: But sir Zabuza's gang tried to atta-

Sasuke: what the hell did I just say the-

Menma: your in a gang mommy says people like that are bad

my gangster ex boyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now