Part 11

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Sasuke's pov

Dammit where the hell is garra. We're waiting for garra to come since he's apart of the plan.

Itachi: what the hell we should just bust in there

Sasuke: itachi your supposed to be the smarter one

Itachi: yea but when it comes to my nephew oh hell no

Sasuke: hn

Kiba: finally the assholes here

Sasuke: where the hell have u been

Garra: that stupid bitch took all of our kid

Naruto: sasuke can we hurry what if he's hurt

Sasuke: where are the others

Lee: that was not a very youthfull thing to do

Garra: well no shit babe

Ino: what the hell is sakura's problem

Sai: ugly

Choji: number 1 thing is not to mess with my kids then comes my food what the hell

Shikamaru: what a drag

Temari: shut up shikamaru u can at least look worried for our son

Shino: she'll pay

Kankuro: oh hell yeah I'm going to kill that bitch

Neji: she'll regret being alive

Tenten: ugh I've always hated her

Hinata: me too

Kiba: the groups all together again

Naruto: believe it

Sasuke: it's not the time we have kids to think about

Tenten: woah are y'all together again

Ino: well no shit tenten

Jiriya: why was Menma not even with y'all

Sasuke: he wanted siblings and naruto doesn't know how to be quiet

All: what the

Naruto: sasuke!?!?!

Sasuke: okay let's go

We start circling the building she's in naruto right by my side I don't want anything to happen to him considering he's never been in a gang

Sasuke: everyone In their places

All: yea

Menma's pov

I'm scared that lady put me and tei in a room with a whole bunch of other kids what if we all die? what if I'll never get to see my parents again? What if I die being a virgin? No I don't care about that.

Menma: tei what are we going to do

Tei: our parents are coming for us I know it

Menma: what i-

Tei: they are

Menma: okay

I leaned on tei's shoulder still worrying.then the pink hair lady come in here but not only her but with two other people

???: Sakura well done

???: Surprised u managed to do it

Sakura: shut up haku ugh and thank u Zabuza

Zabuza: watch who your talking to

Sakura: ugh

Haku: so which ones Sasuke's child

Hearing her putting my dad's name in her mouth pist me off but I didn't say nothing because I was still scared after her asking that question tei put his hand in front of me and pushed me a little behind him

Sakura: right there

Haku: and who is the other boy

Sakura: kiba and hinata's kid

Zabuza: hm take them to the torture room

Sakura: okay let's go little fuckers

She came up to us and grabbed our arms harshly pulling us to the another room. Once we were there she slammed me to the ground but just let go of tei

Menma: ow

Tei: u stupid bitch touch him like that again and I'll murder u

Sakura: (laughing) not once we're done with u

She left without saying anything else I look towards tei to see him sticking his middle finger up at her then he started walking to me

Menma: u shouldn't have yelled at her I'm fine

Tei: she's not going to disrespect my future wife

Menma: w-what!?!?

Tei: are u hurt

Menma: n-no

The haku person walked in the room with someone else and I got scared again

Haku: torture that boy until he answers every question I give him

Tei: try me u stupid bitch ass girl

Haku: I'll have u know I'm a boy

He's a boy I thought he was a girl he's too pretty to be a boy he's even more pretty than the pink haired lady.

Menma: pl-please let us go

Haku: no get him

Once he says that the man grabs tei and punches him in the stomach

Menma: NO STOP!?!?!

Haku: then your going to tell me everything I want to know understand

Tei: don't lis-

I watch as the guy kicks him since he fell on the floor he then walk over and grabs a chain on the wall

Haku: who's working with sasuke

Menma: I don't know

I can't tell him what if he wants to hurt them. I turn over to tei hearing groan in pain. He's getting hit with those chains.

Menma: No stop le-

I tried to run to him but haku grabbed my arm and hit me the out of no where he disappeared leaving only the other guy in here.

Menma: tei are u okay

Tei: ye-

BOOM!!! I turn to see uncle tachi.

Menma: UNCLE!!!

Itachi: Menma


I turn to see the guy covering his mouth.

Menma: let him go

Itachi: wh- (gasp)

I watch as tei's eyes go wide. I turn around to see haku stabbing my uncle in the chest multiple times.

Menma: NO!!!!

Tears start running down my eyes. Why does this person do this? Why can't he just leave us alone? I was mad I didn't care about anything else all I know is that this bitch hurt uncle. So I begin to change.

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