part 6

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Naruto Pov

Today is the day I get released from the hospital. I thought they were going to keep me longer because I tried to kill myself but I guess not. The whole time I was laying in the hospital bed I kept wondering about my little Menma I hope he's safe.

Naruto: Hi

???: Really naruto why would u do that u have a kid

Naruto: I don't know I just couldn't help the thought of how me and sa-

???: That's enough I thought u were over him

Naruto: I thought I was too

???: Where Menma I wanted to meet him today

Naruto: with sasuke

???: Really naruto

Naruto: yea

Realizing now I feel lonely without Menma. I need to find a way to get a hold of him and tell him he can come back. Thinking that I hear the light of my life.

Menma: MOMMY!!!!

Naruto: MENMA!!!!!

???:he's as loud as u

Kakashi: sup

Iruka: hi

Hearing iruka voice made me feel better.

Naruto: hi

Kakashi: long time no see jiraya

Menma: Mom who is that

Forgetting Menma hasn't seen jiriya since he was two months old I decided to introduce them

Naruto: Menma this is your grandpa but u can call him pervy sage if I want

Menma: okay

Kakashi: well we gotta go

Naruto: um where's sasuke

He didn't answer me all he did was look at iruka then at pervy sage then started smiling. I turn to pervy sage to see him checking out a girl.

Naruto: u perverted idiot

Jiriya: your the idiot

We continue arguing for a little while. Until kakashi interrupted us

Kakashi: well by Menma naruto jiriya

Iruka: bye

Kakashi: come by sometime jiriya I got some pictures u can look at and information for your books

Jiriya: wait I'm coming with u bye naruto

Naruto: that pervert

Menma: tell daddy I said I love him and to come see me and mommy when he feels better

Hearing him call sasuke daddy shocked me. When did he start calling him that? He didn't even want to go over there when he had to and now he want sasuke to come see us. What did sasuke do to him? Is he forcing him to call him that?

Naruto: what did he do to u

Menma: he didn't to anything to me

Naruto: why all of a sudden u call him daddy

Menma: because he's my dad

I just stood there and watched him start walking home what a crazy little rascal

Sasuke's pov

Bummed out I payed in bed I wanted to take menma to naruto but started having bad pains

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