Part 3

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Not being able to see where my son is I panic. Then suddenly I hear someones voice.

???: Ain't u a cutie

Naruto: where is my son

???: I call the older kitty

???: No I want him

I suddenly hear my son start talking

Menma: m-mom where are u (crying)

Hearing my son cry pissed me off. I wanted nothing more but to hold my son tell him it's okay. Tell him that I would protect him no matter what.

???: Shut your trap kid, go get boss

Suddenly I started to change. These men talking to my child like that pissed me off. My eyes change to bloody red the lines on my cheeks change making red smoke go around me. I then hear my little Menma growl. Finally able to see I see Menma eyes red but there was something different about one of his eyes. But at this moment I didn't care all I cared about was killing these bastards that mad my son cry.

???: What the hell is this

???: What the hell are they

That was all I heard before I attack. Shortly after Menma does too. We inger more than half when suddenly a certain leader decided to show his face.

???: N-naruto

Hearing his voice again made me want to cry,cry until I felt like I was numb.

Sasuke: Naruto is that really u

Menma: m-mom who is that

I didn't want to say anything but I knew this day would come where my son would meet his dad.

Naruto: Menma that's your father

I looked up only to see my son expression in shock.

Sasuke: why is he calling u mom

I didn't want to speak to him but my anger got the best of me

Naruto: he's calling me mom because I gave birth to him

Sasuke: what!?! Then who's the father

Naruto: your sorry ass is Sasuke

Menma: m-mom please stop yelling

Naruto: come on Menma we're leaving

I grab menma by then hand trying to leave only to be pulled back by Sasuke's bitch ass

Naruto: what the hell do u want

Sasuke: why didn't u tell me

Naruto: I tried but apparently I was ruining your reputation

Menma: leave mommy alone u bastard

Naruto: (giggles)

Sasuke: well I see he has my attitude

Naruto: come on Menma

Sasuke: wait I have to tell u something

Naruto: I have to go

Menma: u mean we

Me and Menma leave with a speechless sasuke.

Menma: was that really my dad

Naruto: was that all just an act

Menma: no

Naruto: mhm

Menma: okay yes but was he

Naruto: yea

Menma: why did he leave was it my fault

Naruto: no he said......nevermind it's adult stuff okay pluss your not old enough yet

Menma: ain't I old en-

Naruto: no Menma that's enough

We walked the rest of the way home in silence. Once we got there I sent him to his room so I wouldn't yell at him no more.

After a while I decided to start cooking dinner. Once it was done I called his name letting him know it's time to eat.

Menma: mom are u okay

Naruto: I'm fine just hurry up u have school tomorrow

Menma: okay

After we were done eating he showered and went to bed. When I new he was asleep I decided to have some beer. Drunk now I started remembering my time with sasuke and why he left.

Naruto: I can't do this

Feeling like it was my fault for him leaving I passed out. (It's now morning)

Menma: what time is it (7:30) WHAT!!!   I'm going to be late

Menma start rushes to get ready. Once he was done he rushes in the kitchen to find no breakfast.

Menma: I have a bad feeling. Where's mommy

Menma walks into the living room only to see naruto on the floor past out with a beer in his hands

Menma: mommy wake up mommy

Naruto: hm

Menma: why are u on the floor

Naruto: what time is it

Menma: 7:40

I sit up out of shock

Naruto: what your going to be late

Menma: mom I don't think I sho-

Naruto: no u have too hurry

After basically yelling I realized he's already ready

Naruto: oh well go get your backpack I'll walk u to the bus

Menma goes to school worrying and not paying attention to anything. I'm at home feeling guilty for making my son wake up to no breakfast but a past out me. I started to think about what I was thinking about last night only to feel like a waist of breath wanting to numb the pain.......

Soon it was time for Menma to come home. After school Menma rides the buss expecting and hoping his mom to be there waiting to take him the rest of the way home. But his mom was not.

Menma: I have a bad feeling about this

Menma starts running home once home he takes out his key trying to find the right one almost dropping the keys cause of his shaking hands. Finally getting the door open he runs around the whole house until he finds his mom on the floor in the kitchen bloody

Menma: MOM!!!!!!!!

Menma searches everywhere for naruto's phone. Once he found it he called the police asking for help

Menma: pl-please help m-my mo-mom-mommy is ble-bleeding (crying)

Operator: where is he bleeding from

Menma: I don't know please hurry (crying)

Operator: okay stay on the phone. How old are u

Menma: 10

Operator: do u have any animals

Menma: n-no

Suddenly the door burst open with men rushing in the house to take naruto to the hospital.

Police: where is your dad

Menma: I don't know I met him yesterday but he doesn't live with me and my mom

Police: okay do u know his name

Menma: s-sasuke

Police: okay wait here

When the police came back they told Menma that his dad would take care of him till his mom recoverd. Once his dad got to the hospital Menma could tell he was in panic mode.

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