Wild Side:Part One

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You sat down with a heavy sigh as Legosi brought the three of you drinks. As he sat down next to you, Haru took a slow sip of her drink and let out a loud sigh. You spare a glance at the rabbit.

"So, what brings you to our neck of the woods?" You start, taking a sip of your own drink. Haru shrugs, folding her arms as she gazes out the window.

"Something weird happened at my campus today." You quirk a brow, and you spy one of Legosi's ears perking. "One of the professors was acting really weird today."

"Weird? How so?" The rabbit tilts her head.

"Well, for starters...he stabbed himself in the leg." You visibly flinch from the statement. Haru huffs. "Then he goes on about how it's the first time he's felt alive?" As Haru speaks, your mind starts to race. With a small glance at the wolf beside you, you clear your throat to get her attention.

"Haru...you wouldn't happen to know this professor's name, would you?" The rabbit pauses, shrugging.

"Can't say I do. Never got a chance to since, you know...he was bleeding." You lean over the small table, expression hardening as you open your mouth to speak.

"What did he look like?"


You and Legosi waved goodbye to the rabbit as she rounded the corner from your sight. As you shut the door behind you, Legosi spoke up.

"[Name], that professor...!"

"Yeah, it has to be him." The fact that Melon was able to teach at Haru's university had to be some sort of twisted joke. You clicked your tongue as you mentally added it to the list of things to sort out on top of everything else. You leaned back against the doorframe, when a stinging sensation drew your attention. You look down to where part of your chest was wrapped in white.

Red was seeping through most of the white gauze, and you felt dirty from the events of today. You spared a glance at Legosi. He's still somewhat wet from his dive into the ocean, and the smell of wet dog was definitely present. Clearing your throat, you get his attention.

"Hey, I'm going to wash up before turning in for the night, wanna join?" He flicks his ear once at your words.

"H-huh?" You roll your eyes playfully.

"No offense, but you reek after your dive in the ocean, Legosi." He flushes, scratching the back of his head. Shuffling over to a pile of clothes, he picks out a fresh set, following you as you both make your way over to the communal showers.

Double checking to make sure it was just the two of you, you both stripped, picking a stall and settled into the rhythm of washing up. Water hitting the concrete floor was the only sound heard as you both cleaned yourselves off. Surprisingly, Legosi finishes before you do, stepping out and toweling himself off. You focus back on cleaning yourself, letting out a mild grunt when you accidentally irritate your wounds from Melon.

"[Name]? Everything okay?" You see the shadow of Legosi behind your curtain. With a sigh you slide the curtain open enough to poke your head out.

"More or less." You show him the slow flow of red from your chest, gesturing to it as you shut the curtain again. "Gonna be a pain in the ass to clean this, I'll meet you back in our apartment." You hear him exit shortly afterwards, and you finish cleaning yourself up, careful not to irritate your injuries further. Drying off your hair, you re enter your shared home to find Legosi already curled up on the futon. He perks up as you sit down next to him, giving the wolf a quick scratch behind the ears as you lie back facing the ceiling. Legosi does the same, turning onto his side and looking right at you. You smile and do the same, tugging him in closer and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Comfy?" He nods, eyelids drooping.

"Mm-hmm..." He mutters, tail idly wagging. He slowly drifts off, and you do the same, closing your eyes as exhaustion gets the better of you and you drift off.

Your eyes slowly open, adjusting to the darkness of the room. Gently, you extract yourself from Legosi's hold. You open the apartment door, shutting it quietly before taking off into the night.


You grunted as you shoved the rusty door open. You really didn't want to be back here, but you needed answers, and this was the only place you could think of. You shivered a little at the steps leading down into the dark. You slowly stepped forward, glancing behind one last time.

Stone gave way to metal flooring, your body tense as you idly twirled your knife nervously. A few quiet moments of walking and you eventually reached what you could only guess was the main area of this...place.

Your so called father was nowhere to be seen. The table that had notes strewn about laid barren. A single glowing screen drew your attention. Walking over to it, you gave the screen a few taps. A loud buzz echoed, along with a message.

Submit identification.

A small plate slid out from an open spot on the table. You scratched your head as you thought about what it wanted for identification. Shrugging, you took your knife and cut your index finger, placing the blood onto the plate. It slowly slid back into the table, where a series of blips ran across the screen. After a moment, it stopped, chirping softly and displaying a cavalcade of information. As your eyes scrolled down the screen, you began to paint a picture of what it had given you.

It was a record of people like you. Names, ages, locations they were last known to be in. All of it was documented in this one place. You tapped on one of the names, and the screen shifted to another list of info. You noted how it went by number. Taking a guess, you scrolled down to your own serial number, tapping on it. A loud buzzing sound greeted you, and the whole screen turned black. You tapped it a few times in an attempt to get it to reboot, but nothing happened.

"I thought better of you, 03. It isn't nice to go snooping around where you don't belong." You hear a voice say from behind. You turned around, only for your vision to become obscured. Something was pressed to your face, and you feel yourself stagger before passing out.


When you come to, the first thing you notice is that all four of your limbs were chained. Your head was not, allowing you to glance around. Giant tubes were placed in several locations around you. A tray sat nearby, empty, save for a single syringe. You squinted at the tubes, watching bubbles float in the light blue fluid.

"Finally awake I see." You whip your head around at the sound of the voice. You grit your teeth, pulling at the chains on your left wrist.

"What the hell do you want?" Your father smiles, resting his head on one hand as his wheelchair approaches you.

"I believe that should be my question. What exactly were you doing. Given your feelings towards 02, I find it baffling as to why you would return here.

"Lingering questions. But I don't expect you to answer any of them, father." He laughs.

"Such hostility. If it weren't for me, you would be nothing more than a monster trapped in one of these tubes."

"Which one of us is the real monster here?" You growl, tugging harder at the chains. The old man sighs, pressing a button on his armrest. You hear a whir, before the sudden jolt of pain forces a scream from you. Your head sags when it ends, chest heaving as your body shudders from the pain.

"I was being benevolent with everything you have achieved since I've sent you out, but perhaps I should have been less lenient with you. You did kill one of my most promising subjects after all. I think it's only fair, don't you?" You raise your head, hair obscuring one of your eyes.

"Go to hell..." You mumble. He sighs, finger lingering on the button that triggers another round of pain on your end. When it stops for the second time, you can barely manage to keep your eyes open.

"Seems like you've been around those beasts for far too long 03." He rolls over to the tray, picking up the syringe and gazing into the red fluid inside. "Well, if you are so adamant about living among them, perhaps you'd like to know some of the trials they go through?" He inches closer, uncapping the needle and laying it on your chest. You grit your teeth and weakly glare at him. "Let us see if you can tame your own beast."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2020 ⏰

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