Sick Zenitsu x reader

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You were walking to Zenitsu's house, why you ask? Because you got a phone call from him crying and yelling that he feel like he's dying and he needs your help. Yep sounds like Zenitsu. You were carrying a backpack full of supplies to make him feel better.

You arrived at his house, which didn't take long, he didn't live far from you. You Knock at the door Zenitsu immediately opened it and huged you. " Zenitsu get off me your sick!" You yelled , "b-b-but " Zenitsu stuttered. " No buts, now get back to bed Ill get your soup ready, I brought stuff to make you feel better" you said as Zenitsu letted you in his house. "Ok!" Zenitsu exclaimed walking to his room.

You got his soup ready and brought it to him and sat next to him making sure he didn't do anything stupid, but also examining him. You got up and felt his head checking if it was warm. "So how have you been feeling?" Zenitsu couldn't help but blush knowing someone cared for him. "Y/N CHANNNN, YOUR SO NICE TO ME!" Zenitsu yelled sobbing into your shirt hugging you by your waist since he was laying in bed. You blushed by his actions, " HEY, y-you can't go hugging me like that, we talked about this your sick, and your poor voice stop screaming please.." y/n said Zenitsu sniffed and got off of y/n. y/n took the empty bowl and took it to the kitchen, while you where their you prepared medicine for Zenitsu, oh god medicine Zenitsu's worst nightmare. Im pretty sure he hates it more than demons! And thats saying alot! You took it to Zenitsu and handed it out to him. Zenitsu stared at it... "WHY WHY WHY ME?!?", "Y/N I DONT WANT IT GET IT AWAY FROM ME!" Zenitsu screamed. Y/n took out a par of chocolate bars from behind her. "Come on you can have this to wash it down its not that bad, y/n smiled shyly running out of ideas. Zenitsu blushed at the sight his crush and candy?!? "Hmmm" Zenitsu was thinking. " a kiss and some cuddles and we have a deal" Zenitsu said smiling at his sentence.

. ......"HUH???!!" y/n was confused yet willing to do it and blushing like crazy. "Hehehe" Zenitsu giggled. "Fine", y/n unraped the chocolate bar and helped Zenitsu down the medicine. "So" Zenitsu said staring at y/n who was sitting and the foot side of the bed. "This cute bastard" y/n thought in her head, by the time Zenitsu even new it y/n lips were pressed against his, Zenitsu closed his eyes trying to saver the moment, ignoring the fact they both where blushing extremely hard. They both broke apart y/n patted Zenitsu on the head and offered him another chocolate bar while making your way next to him in bed. Zenitsu wrapped his arm around you and rested his head on top of yours. You didn't care that he was sick at this point, who can say no to his cute little face? y/n gave him one last kiss on the cheek and they both went to sleep, well y/n did Zenitsu was trying his best not to scream about what just happened.

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