Sabito x Injured Reader

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Ok I lied im gunna stop making promises about how much oneshots im going to make and when they should be done☠️
Word count: 657

You were on your way to visit Sabito, he told you to meet him at this beautiful looking forest he always talked about it, but never showed you. Untill today! He told you the location of the forest and told you to keep walking forward untill you see a huge pond with flowers around it.

You were dressed in your demon slayer uniform, because you didn't know how long you too were going to stay there, and just in case there was trouble.

You and Sabito have been friends for a long time now and you were really glad he wanted to hang out, not that he dosn't like to hang out with you, you just always had to give him a little push when it comes to hanging out he was pretty shy around people still.

You finally arrived and saw Sabito sitting underneath a tree looking around his surroundings. You decided to sneak up on him. You went on your knees and hid in the tall grass like an animal about to catch its prey. You moved your way closer and closer to him.

You jumped out of the tall grass and was about to land on Sabito but he moved out of the way just in time. You landed on your feet and your hands on the ground like a cat.

"Since when were you in the grass hiding?"

"The real question is, how did you move so fast!?" Sabito looked at you will a "really?" Face. Like you already new the answer. He helped you up and you guys talked for a while. He finally had his mask off but placed it on here or there, mostly because he was blushing...

It was getting pretty late and you were both walking around the pond, you saw some ducks in the pond and had to go look at them. You kneeled down and started petting one with Sabito right beside you.

The Duck started to sink in the water. "Huh?" A hand came out of the water and pulled you down, drowning you in the water.

"Y/NNN!" You heard Sabito's yells from above.You reached for your sword with your other hand and sliced the demons hand off. You swam up to see Sabito also in the water.

You felt sharp nails dig into your ankle which made you yell in pain. You now were out of oxygen. It all went to a blur after that.

                                    Time skip

You woke up to see you in Sabito arms. He was jumping tree to tree not noticing you have awaken, he looked deep in thought and was to focused in not falling off the tree branches.

"Are you ok?" You asked Sabito

"Im perfectly fine, what is important is you." He said not looking at you.

"Im fi- " you felt pain in your ankle and saw blood but Sabito cover up was wrapped around it, and noticed both of you were soaking wet.


"For what were still going to find you some help because of your injures"

"For everything" you wrapped your arms around Sabito with your head resting on his shoulder. "Your really kind did you know that?"

"K-know is not the time" Sabito face was heating up.

"Sorry for your cover up, it kinda has blood on it, and were both soaked" you nervously laughed.

"If it stops the bleeding it's perfectly fine"

"Oh ok" you nuzzled your head more into his shoulder more. His face was a blushing mess now.

He gave you a quick kiss on the lips "Just rest now, unitll your all bandaged up" You were obviously shocked by the affection.

"Mhm" was all you said, you were also a blushing mess. You closed your eyes falling asleep in Sabito's arms feeling protected.

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