Zenitzu Agatsuma x Reader

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Oh I changed the book cover as well, heh. Also I dont know I feel about this one..

Word count: 1036

You and Zenitsu had been friends for a while now. You to have become part of the demon slayer corpse together, trained together, travel together, almost died. All sorts of adventures.

You first met Zenitsu literally crawling on this one girl who had a scared look on her face. Zenitsu was on his knees crying and crying some more and yelling.

"Please Please Go Out With Me!" Yeah... something like that.

It was a whole scene. You decided to walk up to them both and carefully took Zenitsu's hands off the poor women. You then helped Zenitsu up, as he dusted his clothes, with a couple of sniffles coming from him.

"Is there a reason why you are doing this to a poor women?" You asked looking at the yellow haired boy.

Problem, he did the exact same thing to you, but you were nicer than most people and cheered him up and walked him to gramps house. You too learned new things about eachother and became friends easily.

You found Zenitsu adorable when you first met him and till this day on. I mean you kinda see where he was coming from. You always had go protect him and give him good pep talks to give him the confidence he needs.

He was also there for you, well he tried his best. He also looked up to you and found you so nice yet so strong. He loved you the day he met you, but was so shy to confront you about it. Sure he always joked about marrying him and stuff, but that was because he whimped out of asking you out last second, so he made a joke.

He got so nervous when you were around sometimes. He couldn't keep himself together any longer, he already got jealous of other guys even looking at you. He wanted you too to be a thing so bad. He wanted to show how much he loved you so bad, but rejection, he was so afraid of that. He didn't want you too to be weird around eachother if you rejected him.

Tanjiro always had to cheer him up and give him  confidence in himsel,  to just do it and have him confess to you.

"Come on Zenitsuuuu" Tanjiro said while tugging on his hair gently.

"I-I cant! What if she rejects me?!? What do I do then? Just stand there!?!" He said pushing off Tanjiro yelling in his face once agian.

"You fight her" Inosuke said sitting there with his boar hat on.

"Oh shut up, what do you know?!" Zenitsu said getting closer to Inosuke.

"JUST DO IT!" Inosuke yelled standing up.

"AhHhHhH" Zenitsu yelled cried for help backing away from the boar man.

Zenitsu just sighed to himself mumbling something.

Tanjiro and Inosuke weren't really that much help and soon gave up on Zenitsu's love life. Well thats what they wanted Zenitsu to think, there plan was to act like they loosed hope In Zenitsu so he had to react and confess.

"Hey Zenitsu you doing ok?"

"AHHHHHHHH, oh- yeah Im doing good why you ask?"

"Ummm your kinda hanging off a tree like you saw a spider or something" you tried not to laugh at him.

"I-I dont k-k-know what y-your t-talking about" Zenitsu said while hanging upside down from the tree with only his feet.

"Ok then get down?"

Zenitsu sighed then came down hiding something behind his back with one hand. You too were underneath a pink blossom tree, it was quite a sight.

"Whats that?" You aksed pointing at Zenitsu's hand behind his back.

"E-ehh u-umm" he couldn't find the right words to talk properly.

All you did was giggle, you couldn't help it anymore of how adorable he looked.

"H-hey whats so funny?" He asked his cheeks getting a tint of pink.

"Nothing, nothing, continue." You said looking at him dead in the eye.

Zenitsu took a deep breath and took his hand from behind him to show you this amazing yellow with a tint of orange rose right in front of you both. (Like in the pic)

You gasped of how cool it looked and how adorable it was. "Awww that looks so cool!" You said

"Y-yeah here t-take it" he said handing it out to you suggesting you to take it. He realized you were hesitant so he took his other hand out and placed it on yours.

His hand was warm but a bit rough from all the trainings he has done.

He blushed a little more due to what's happening right now, he can't believe he's actually doing this. You also blushed a little. He thought your hands felt soft and smooth like. Good for a member of the demon slayer corpse.

He placed the rose in your hand with his other hand in contact with yours.

"I-I, I Liked you f-for a really really long time now! No No love! I mean, I loved you since the day we met, I know I j-joke about marriage and s-stuff but im serious this time!"  Zenitsu went on.

"I-Its ok If you dont like m-me back, I understand why trust me. B-But-"

You cut him off by a loveable peck on the lips and a warm hug around his neck.

"Zenitsu!" You yelled laughing a little.

"W-w-what?!" He said now panicking.

"I love you to!" You yelled hugging him more tightly. You kissed his forehead multiple times. You both had blush on your faces.

"Really?!He yelled holding your hands with the rose in one of them. 

You nodded your head yes. "Of course! Im so happy you feel the same Zenitsu." You said hugging him closer. Your head resting on his chest with your hands wrapped around his neck. Zenitsu's hands were around you waist with one of them running threw your hair with the flower.

Zenitsu was on the edge of crying tears of joy.

"Awww its ok, im happy we're together now" you said placing your hands on the side of his face.

Zenitsu just smiled at you, his eyes softened. He placed the yellow rose in your hair right above your ear.

"Thank you so much Y/N, I really love you"

"I love you to."

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