Genya Shinazugawa x Reader

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I cAnT speElL CorRecTly👓
Word count: 1146

You were in the finale selection area fighting demons like your life depending on it, because it kinda did. You sensed something to your right from above so took out your sword and stepped back a little. Sadly it was hidden well in the dark. Untill you saw a guy fall from the that same tree onto the floor landing on his back. He had black hair and a scar on his face.

You knew he was human so you walked up to him carefully.

"Hey, sir are you ok? What where you doing up their?" You took your hand out to help him up but he slapped it away almost immediately.

"Get away from me! I was getting a good look for demons from above obviously!" He sat down straight leaning against a tree his back facing said tree.

"What do you want? Scram go kill demons or something"

"He's mean" you thought just a little bit.

"Well I can help you, you seem injured on your back since you fell."

"Yeah yeah im fine" he swatted you away. You gave up and walked the other way disappearing into the fog to go fight more demons. Genya sighed and looked to his left and noticed bandages and a little purple flower next to it.

He harshly grabbed it with a tint of blush on his face and mumbled something while he wrapped himself with the bandages you gave him. "

"I didn't even get her name"

                                  Time skip

You walked up the stairs of the Fujikasane mountain after you made the final selection. You were pretty exhausted though, you still haven't seen the black haired guy you met, something in you really wanted him to make it, you didn't exactly catch his name and besides he was pretty cute.

You made it on the top of the stairs and saw no other than the black haired man.

"Its you!" You yelled as you ran towards him. He looked a bit of a mess but faced you.

"What were you doubting me?"

"Nope, not at all."

You and Genya got eachothers names and chose your ore for the Nichirin blade everybody was getting. You kinda had to stop Genya with that Red haired boy from attacking that poor lady, that was something.

"Hey Y/N" you were in a town near by the finale selection trying to go get something to eat. You turned around and saw Genya once again.

"So you were following me?"

Genya gave you a look that screamed" im so close from punching you right now"

"Jeez I was just wondering if you wanted to go get ramen with me or something" Genya said as he walked past you. You blinked  at the ofer and noticed he was already far ahead of you.

"Hey wait up!!" You yelled trying to catch up to Genya. You heard Genya chuckle in the distance.

You both got ramen sitting at a tabel and noticed Genya glancing at you here or there. You just smiled and continued to enjoy your food. You and Genya hung out that whole day and talked about the Demon Slaying Corpse.

Genya sometimes looked like he was going to kill someone because he heard some people whispering behind your backs, so you had to drag him away from people.

At the end of the day Genya thanked you for the bandages, he walked you home and he announced you both should stay in touch and hang out again soon. He was a bit of little blushing mess when he said it but, it was acceptable and a bit laughable to.

Just as he said goodbye he placed the same flower you gave him in your hair right above your ear and quickly turned away like nothing happened. You blushed a little and quickly headed inside to hide the blush.

Genya was cursing himself out in his head and asked himself many questions.

                                   Time skip

Its been at least 2 months since you and Genya had been hanging out together as good friends and you both developed crushes for eachother as well.

You both were walking around this town in the night sky with the town lights lighting up the place. It was an amazing veiw really. You both were looking around and munching on sweets.

Genya was actually having fun for once, although he loved spending time with you, but he seemed more quiet than usual.

You were eating your f/c (favorite candy) while you caught Genya staring at you once again. You turned to fully face him and now you both were making eye contact.

"Something wrong?" You asked

He snapped out of his big day dream and continued to look at you.


You just laughed and patted his head which had him blush a little. You grabbed a hold of his hand and continued to walk around, little did you know Genya was a blushing mess behind you and some people were looking at you two.

Genya didn't realize but you two were sitting down on a bench looking at this nice veiw of a pond with the town to the left. You two were in a little walk way were most people jog and come to relax.

"Somethings been bugging you Genya I can tell" you said as you pointed at him still eating your f/c.

He only studdered out a "no"

You knew he was lying.

Suddenly you heard Genya stand up. You looked up at him in confusion. You noticed his fists clench.

"Uhh, Y/N I h-have something t-to tell you."

You couldn't help but try to hold in your giggle, He was never This serious.

You stood up as well.


His fists clenched tighter and he turned his head away to hide his blush.

"I-I I like you!" He yelled maybe a little to loud.

You again couldn't help but let out you little giggle and bring him into a big hug. Your jump was a little to exciting so you both almost fell backwards as he wrapped his arms around you.

"W-whats s-so funny!?!" He tried to look at your face but your face was burried in his shirt.

"Your adorable Genya" you finally looked up at him. He blushed even more if that was even possible.

"Is that a you like me to or-"

You cut him off by a quick kiss on the lips. You broke it apart and continued to smile at him. Which had him smile back, just a little one.

"Of course I do! I love you." You exclaimed

He hid his smile into your shoulder and continued to hug you, your feet dangling in the air since he was taller than you, he spun you around and you both laughed and laughed.

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