Sick Giyyu x Reader

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Ok ok but like can we just admire this photo of Giyyu!?!? Like HUH??!! 👌🏼 just 👌🏼 perfect never better. TAKE IT I know u wanna 😏 and i dont blame you. Same with the other Giyyu photo ngl.

Words total: 310

"I don't want you to get sick" Giyyu says in a bit of a raspy voice. "Yeah yeah ill be fine" you say rolling your eyes. You gave him soup to help him fell better you made it yourself. He was enjoying it while watching tv when you saw him shiver. You go get 2 nice warm blankes and throw one on him perfectly. He looks at you smiling a bit "thanks" Is all he says. You get medicine ready and set it next to him feeling his head for any warmth. He slaps your hand very lightly though "hands off" he says. "Come on Giyyu im gunna be fine stop worrying about me for once, im here to take care of, you" you said feeling his head once agian. He just sighs in defeat knowing your to nice for him, but he still loves you. "His head isn't warm which is good he just has a cold, that was close", you hear him sneeze, "yup I was right " you say inside your head. You try your best not to squel of how cute his sneeze was though! You sit at the other end of the coach knowing how he is. You felt movement beside you though. You look over and see Giyyu?! "Huh?!" You say confused. I thought you wanted me to stay away. You say pouting a bit. "I don't care anymore" he says now holding you. "So difficult " you say cuddling him back. "Love you to" he says blushing a bit of what he just said. "Love you more" you say smiling to yourself eyes on the tv screen.

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