four years.

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eren gripped the straps of his bright orange backpack tightly to his chest to his chest as his mommy walked him up to the classroom.

although it was his second week of preschool, he held this manipulative pouting face every time it was time for her to go, just to persuade her to let him go back home or give him a reward for his troubles.

"go play with levi, okay? you see him sitting over there?"

she bent down and pointed to levi, who was at the middle of the room, arms folded and looking down.

eren debated whether he should whine about this or simply hug his mommy and go to play with levi.

well, he didn't want his mommy to be mad. she didn't get mad at eren that many times, but when she did, it was scary.

very scary.

so eren said goodbye to carla and ran over to levi.

"hi, levi!"

"hi," he said.

"what are you doing?"

"playing with my tea toy!"

eren sat down in front of levi. "can i play with it?"

"uh, sure," levi said, passing the toy to him.

they passed the toy back and forth to each other, having some fun and even laughing while they made soft vroom sounds. their teacher clapped their hands three times and did a big wave. eren giggled at that. it was silly.

"good morning, kids!"

"good morning, miss kamiya," they all chanted, all pronouncing miss kamilla's name wrong. she smiled at everyone and smoothed down the dress she was wearing.

"it's discovery time, boys and girls. can anyone tell me what discovery is?"

levi raised his hand, but eren, sitting beside him on the carpet, blurted out the answer, yelling over the other kids who were talking.

"discovery is, um, it's when you discover something?"

"great job, eren! does anyone else know what discovery is?"

levi put down his hand, not even bothering to try to answer anymore. he played with his toy instead.

"discovery is when you find something," said a girl sitting behind levi.

"that's right, isabel! now, everyone get up..."

they all promptly stood up, some of them bumping into each other.

"sorry!" eren squeaked, almost knocking isabel down when he got up the wrong way.

"...and look around for things!" miss kamilla finished.

eren, being the sneaky detective he was, tiptoed around, and made his way to the box of buttons.

he slowly pulled out the bin and set it down on the carpet. but, judging by the buttons that were now scattered across the floor, he had pulled down too hard.

the kids went from making their own discoveries to watching eren's discovery.

"oh, eren," the teacher said, collecting all the buttons and putting them back. "you gotta be more careful next time, okay?"

"okay!" eren said, walking somewhere else. levi walked over to him.

"you made a big mess!"

"i did?" eren said.

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