five years.

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going to any levi ackerman birthday party was an experience. mostly because it seemed like every year they never had them at the traditional spot for birthday parties; at home. instead, levi partied at the trash-infested park. the same one he went to almost every other week.

if you went to a levi ackerman birthday party for the first time, you would say that it was bland, unexciting, and the atmosphere was nothing short of stiff. mostly because there was absolutely nothing exclusive about his birthday parties.

"kuchel, you know, sometimes i wonder why levi has never had a birthday party at home," carla said, watching over eren, levi, and levi's two other friends have a tea party.

"he doesn't want to stay stuffed up at home when it's his big day. levi's just like that, y'know?"

"hm, sure."

her suspicions over the years had not decreased. instead, with every nervous laugh and rushed excuse she fed to carla like baby food, she could not help but feel hungrier. and she didn't want stupid baby food anymore.

she wanted a product that costed more than she had in her wallet. an answer she knew could risk their eight-year friendship.

levi poured them all imaginary tea, smiling at all of them.

"thanks, bro," said the girl with puffballs for hair that bobbled every time she moved.

"well, there is a price for everything. only the fools that are courageous enough to pay for it get the product, right?"

kuchel looked at carla, who was muttering these words under her breath.

"did you say something?"

"isn't it interesting," carla said with a click of her tongue, "that in the eight years that we have been declared sisters, i have not even seen the exterior of your home, and yet, you know the contents of my house more than you would ever admit?"

"what are you implying?" kuchel said, her gorgeous voice that was usually laced with cutesy pink ribbon and dandelions, now hissing out a poison carla had never tasted before.

carla merely smiled. she was getting closer to her product. she could feel its skin on her fingertips. a pretty lie that kuchel has fed, dressed and put to bed.

"simply making an observation. that's all."


levi wiggled into his trunks and a swim shirt, rambling excitedly to kuchel about the beach day that they were preparing for.

"are you ready for the waves?" she asked him as she unlocked their front door. her face was subtly cringing and her flip flops made harsh clapping sounds as she walked levi down to carla's car.

kuchel would've never agreed to go to the beach if it was her choice. carla's masked interrogation on levi's birthday and the horrible timing of it all had really gotten to kuchel, and the only thing she wanted right now was space. and time.

but eren and levi went to the same kindergarten. she saw carla every school day, not to mention their children being the best of friends. no matter how much of a stronghold kuchel had, levi always had the last word.

and levi wanted to go to the beach with eren. he wanted to build sandcastles, kick the waves, and splash eren and practically everyone that was within ten feet of him. levi wanted to have fun! and who was kuchel to tell him that he, a growing five-year-old, couldn't?

so, here she was, strapping levi into a booster seat, and riding shotgun.

"hey, kuch!" she said, adjusting her mirror.

"hi, carla. what beach are we headed to?"

"whichever one is closer!" she cackled.


"i'm sure it isn't that deep, carla. maybe her house is dirty," reasoned grisha as he sat eren down to go to sleep. carla ran her hands through her hair. "didn't she say once that there were all sorts of unsafe things around?"

"that doesn't make sense! if she's so worried about me, an adult, coming over just for ten minutes of talk time, then surely it means that there are things in there that even she shouldn't be near, not to mention her five-year-old kid!"

there was a long silence of grisha staring at carla, clearly unbelieving of what carla was saying.

finally, grisha tutted, shaking his head. "now why would you suggest something like that against your best friend? if anything, it should be you giving her the benefit of the doubt, not me."

"i would if i could. but i've been suspecting her for three damn years! if your best friend has never let you come to their house and always made up the worst excuses for it, wouldn't you be suspicious as well?"

"you think kuchel's excuses are bad because you're distrustful, carla."

carla turned around to face grisha. he shrugged and a timid smile overcame him. "i'm right, aren't i?"

she huffed, still not understanding that grisha wasn't agreeing with her on this, of all things.

"kuchel's 'excuses' could be true. she's a first-time mom, you know. couldn't afford all those parenting classes you got. she's not the best, and neither are you. you always say that kuchel is refusing your offers to give her money and resources, but i think you are forgetting that kuchel is a grown adult. only a few months younger than you. she can take care of what she needs to take care of with and without help, as she has done all these years."

"but she needs help!" carla argued, still refusing to see grisha's point. "she doesn't have a job, grisha. she doesn't even tell me where she gets the money!"

"and does she need to tell you? is it your business? are you kuchel ackerman? are you kuchel ackerman's mother?"

"no, but i'm her friend! her best friend, actually! and as her best fucking friend, she should not leave me worrying like this. it's not right, grisha! it's not right!"

he sighed and got into the bed, pushing himself under the covers.

"i think we've reached that point in this discussion where you start sounding less like carla and more like eren."

so carla acted just like a five-year-old and plopped on the edge of the bed, arms crossed, and glared at the painting on the wall.

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