Chapter seventeen

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The show was a success. I watched them for a while from the side stage, hidden behind a speaker bigger than me. Axel and Joey did great—I'm sure—but my eyes were on Tex. He rocked the stage with a lively energy, jumping around and swinging his guitar.

I left halfway through the set list. Not because I was bored. No, I was getting a little overwhelmed with the growing heat down my pelvis. I even thought about jumping him like some crazy groupie.

Well, before any of that happened, I retreated to the backstage area to chat with Santiago. He pulls his brow a little, as if I didn't answer his question.

Distracted, yet again.

I smile apologetically. "Sorry. What did you say?"

He chuckles. "I asked, what do you wanna eat?"

"I think I spotted a food truck with sweet food."

"Yeah, they sell dessert." His eyes roll slowly. "You know, after-dinner food."

I shrug nonchalantly. "Lots of Europeans eat pancakes for dinner. I don't see why I can't do that either."

He shakes his head, clicking his tongue. "I'm surprised you still have all your teeth with the amount of sugar you consume."

I show him my two pearly rows with a grand smile. We both laugh, but mine falls when I turn my face. Axel and Joey walk our way, Tex shortly behind them.

His smile turns upside down when our eyes meet. He's so difficult to read. I've learned that a frown doesn't always mean he's angry or annoyed but what it does mean ... no clue.

I may have been a little evasive today. We haven't talked after last night, but I don't know what to say. What if I start blabbering weird things?

Hey ... Tex, I just wanted to thank you for last night's skillful hip-thrusting.

Oh, no. That can't happen. I quickly hook my arm around Santiago's and say, "Let's get something to eat. I'm hungry."

We all make our way to the festival field. Santiago rambles on about being a carnivore, but the words don't come in. I'm a little occupied with the fact that Tex is walking behind me. It makes me self-conscious about my strut. Should I or should I not, sway my hips?

Before I have the chance to figure it out or subtly lead them all to my food truck of choice, we are interrupted. A pack of girls circle the boys, forcing me to take a step back. There's no doubt about it, the she-wolves want a piece of meat. Sausage, I presume.

They are all very touchy, putting their hands on the boys' chests and shoulders. Axel and Joey lean in for a selfie. They seem to be enjoying themselves. And why not? The girls, the fame, it's all part of the reason they started a band. This is their life.

My eyes unwillingly seek Tex. A gorgeous blond smiles at him, inching a little closer. She has those perfectly toned slender legs. The kind of legs any man would want to be wrapped around in. Tex, too. Maybe he'll ask her to go somewhere with him. He takes the Sharpie the blond offers and scribbles something on her bosom. His number maybe?

None of my business.

My empty stomach fills with jealousy. I don't want to feel this way, but I do. Standing here like a sourpuss isn't helping anyone, though. They should all enjoy their time and so do I.

Without them noticing, I leave the group and blend in with the rest of the crowd. I can have some fun on my own. I'm good at being alone. Even with David, it felt like that.

With a Nutella and banana stuffed, rolled-up pancake in my hands, I stroll past several stands with all kinds of pretty trinkets and summer clothes. It reminds of the yearly farmer's market David and I used to visit. We had a ritual. I would eat rainbow candy floss and he would comment on everyone we passed. Men in suits were to be admired and girls with short skirts not so much. Same went for men with baseball caps and sneakers. He had an opinion on everyone and everything.

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