Chapter twenty-five

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I trace the list of towns the band has performed with the tip of my finger. The poster is simple. Just the band logo with the names of the venues underneath. My journey printed on paper, from start to finish. How strange to know that tomorrow I'll be back to where it all started.

I sigh deeply and head inside through the back entrance. The band plays their last show at a reinvented bank called The Money Pit.

The neoclassical building still has the columns up front and a stained glass sky window. Steel elements were added to give it a more modern look. Normally, I would awe over the architecture but tonight, I simply find my way to the bar.

Santiago forbid me to work the merch stand so I could have some fun. I protested, but he wouldn't budge. According to him, I already helped them more than enough without getting paid. On the contrary, they gave me so much more than money could ever buy.

The bartender hands me a cherry-beer after I give him a token. The show is about to start, the beginning of the end.

I stay seated on my barstool while the band enters the stage. The crowd cheers and despite the dread I feel, my lips curl. Memories of the first time I saw them perform come to mind. I was completely mesmerized by Tex, utterly drawn to everything about him.

Life changed so fast since then. If anyone had told me I would leave my fiancé on my wedding day to have my virginity taken by an up and coming rock star in his tour bus, I would've never believed it.

I chuckle and focus on the show. Tex' voice booms through the speakers. He does his usual welcome speech, though, it sounds flat and a little forced. He must be tired from the tour.

Still, I'm hypnotized like that first time. The way his hair never stays in place, his skilled guitar-play and the rough passion in his voice. Yet, he can be sweet as well. He's an alluring enigma.

Between songs, he looks my way. Our eyes meet and my heart skips a fantastic beat, but his face remains blank like he didn't see me at all.

That slightly crazy idea I had—of jumping the stage and kissing him—crumbles like an overly baked cookie. Public rejection is not on my agenda for tonight.

When he returns his focus on the audience, I sip my beer and stare at the drenched coaster on the bar top. Tex suggested this beer a couple days ago. He thought I would like it because it tastes like sweet and sour candy. He was right, of course. I like it a lot.

The show ends. I stay seated a little while longer, but I feel out of place. Three girls direct some strange looks at me. Like sharks, they sniffed me out. Maybe they're right, a sulking girl doesn't belong here.

Turn that frown upside down.

Surely I can find a way to lift my spirits backstage. A little banter with Santiago, some silly conversation with Joey and Axel and maybe—just maybe—one tiny kiss from Tex. I'd even settle for a one-dimpled smile. Just one for the road.

I savor my last sip of beer and hop off the barstool. Tex and I will not end this night with a distant glance. That's not right and unacceptable.

Nervous butterflies tickle my insides while I walk down the hallway. I haven't been backstage before, though. Is this the right way? There's nobody's here and it's a bit dark since one of the lights seems to be broken.

I step deeper into the darkness, guiding myself by touching the wall. Two days ago, this would've been a perfect place for some kissing and touching. Now though ...

The sound of footsteps and heavy breathing comes from behind me. Tex? Maybe he wants a last kiss as well.

I spin on my heels. My smile falls when a set of unfamiliar eyes look down on me. "Didn't your mother teach you not to walk alone in the dark?"

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