Chapter forty

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With my feet on Tex' lap, I scroll through various job applications. None of them interest me. It shouldn't really matter but the idea of spending my days at an office sounds horrible. I know Tex said I don't have to get a job, however, I feel obligated to find one.

It's hard, though. Tex doesn't work regular hours and I don't want to be stuck to a schedule. We wouldn't be able to things in the spur of the moment. I want to go with him when he has a show or other band-duties.

What if he drifts away from me because I'm working when he's free? What if he finds someone else to occupy his time with?

No,I have to be available to him at all times. Besides, my college degree, sadly, never meant that much to me. It wasn't my passion to work in tourism then nor is it now. A clerical position might be my only option. What other assets do I have?

David never encouraged me. I was to become a stay-at-home mom. College was wasted on me, according to him. Maybe it was. After all, I didn't use that time to discover my hopes and dreams.

I put my phone down. Tex and I are still in the beginnings of our relationship. I'll figure out what to do when things get a little more permanent. What's the point in getting a job if my time in Los Angeles might not last. I better use my time to seduce Tex into loving me.

The man of my wildest dreams mindlessly circles his thumb over my calf while he watches a game. The mere sight of him still leaves me breathless. The fact that he's not wearing a shirt contributes to my state of sheer admiration. Throbbing thighs is what that inked torso compels.


He jumps up, causing me to almost tumble from the couch. I reposition myself and chuckle at his pained face. A glance at the television tells me that the Titans made a touchdown. I don't really care for football but it does remind me of something. Something I've been ignoring for a while.

My parents.

I fumble with my fingers. "Tex?"

He sits down again, running his fingers up my leg with more attention this time. His eyes slowly move from my ankles to my face. "What's up?"

I let out a breath. "I might want to visit my parents for Thanksgiving."

With his fingers laced behind his head, he stares at the ceiling for a moment. "Well, I hardly think it's a good idea but if you wanna go, you should."

Not exactly what I meant.

Another breath. "How would you feel about coming with me."

He laughs scoffingly but it falters when he looks at my face. "Oh, you're serious. Yeah, I don't think so. Why would you even want that?"

"I want to rebuild my relationship with them." My shoulders pull slightly. "I never meant to leave them forever. Besides, I want them to meet you."

Something hard yet sad shadows his face. "Your parents won't approve of me. What will you tell them anyway? That you live with a rude guy who can't go through conversation without using at least three swear words and corrupted you into doing drugs? Yeah, they'll love to hear all about that."

The distance in his voice is difficult to take, though, there's truth in his words. There's not much I can share with my parents about my new life. "You're right. It was stupid to suggest."

"No, it was sweet." He scoots closer, tucking a twirly lock behind my ear. "It's just too soon, you know. We haven't been together that long and I don't wanna go through that experience for nothing."

Until it ends.

It's strange how it feels as if I've known him my whole life but that's not true. A little over four months is all the time we've spend together. I have to keep reminding myself that the depth of our relationship is all in my head. He's still not sure about our future.

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