Chapter twenty-one

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The last three days have been ah-mazing. Not because of the sex, there simply was no time or place. The schedule was tight and the drives were long. Sure, lip-service and hand-action were provided, but a real sex-session was impossible.

The nights, though. Oh, those summer nights. Tex has been sleeping in my bunk and, strangely, we mostly talked, or rather, whispered. It's like, for a few hours, we live in this bubble where endings don't exist and time is not a threat. For me, at least.

I haven't dared to ask him why he slips into my bed every night. It wasn't for sex. Not that he didn't want to, there was definitely some hard evidence.

Affection? If that's true then what does that mean? Does he have feelings for me like I have for him? No, that's insane. Or maybe—

"Earth to Ellie."

That was some elaborate daydreaming. I quickly focus on Joey and ask, "Sorry, you were saying?"

He chuckles. "I said, Axel and I are hiking up to that gas station down the road to get some candy bars and stuff. Are you coming with?"

I smile. "That does sound like a fun trip. Shall I ask Tex along?"

Joey gestures around me. "He's over there."

I look over my shoulder. Tex is sitting near an apple tree on the other side of the farmyard. Tonight's venue seems to be some sort of ranch. Though, instead of horses, there are a lot of motorcycles with high handlebars. It seems odd to me, but what do I know?

Tex signals me to come over to him. My feet itch to immediately gallop his way, but I don't want to come across as too eager.

I turn back to Joey. "On second thought, I think I stay here and see what he wants."

Joey grins with mischief. "I'd bet you a thousand bucks he wants to snuggle and smooch."

I try to hide the shade of my face by directing my relentless smile at my feet.

"It's okay, Ellie." He gives me a pat on the shoulder. "You two have fun doing whatever it is you two do when you sneak off together. Just give me your candy order and I'll bring it back for you."

"Thanks." I make a quick selection in my mind, which isn't as easy as it sounds. "If you could get me a Butterfinger, a Twix and a Baby Ruth that would be great. Oh, and a Curly Wurly if they have them.

He snickers. "Was that all?"

I think deep and hard. "Yes ... No, I want some Gummy Bears as well. If they don't sell them, Jolly Ranchers are good too. Perhaps, some cherry-flavored Pop Rocks and—"

Joey holds up his hand. "I'll just empty the shop and declare bankruptcy, okay?"

I chuckle, knowing I was being a little greedy. "Just get me anything. It doesn't really matter, I like them all."

Joey and I part in different directions. Tex keeps his eyes on me while I cross the premises. I hope Joey is right about Tex' reason to call me over. Tex has been distant this morning. Not in a rude way, more like he's making we sure we don't get too comfortable with each other. I understand it, but I don't like it.

When I reach him, he smiles my worries away. I sit down next him on the grass and gesture at his notebook. "What are you writing?"

He leans back, legs stretched in front of him. "Nothing special. Just a massive complaint to society in general. You know, how hyper-individualism and capitalism are the road to ruin."

Not the answer I expected. Then again, I didn't expect him to admit he writes sonnets and pretty poems. His worldview seems so dark to me. "Are you a misanthrope?"

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